Irene’s Memoirs: Chapter 99

PEBBLES FROM THE ROC – FEBRUARY        A great way we try to help close the gap at THE ROC is by having teens ask the adult volunteers specific questions designed to get to know each other better.  Recently a teen, involved in such an exercise at THE ROC was asking questions like, Where did you grow up and who were your parents and grand-parents?, What was your first car?, Did you ever have a serious illness or accident?  The last question on the list is, Are you afraid to die?  This question always leads to a longer discussion of death and the adult having the opportunity to speak of his/her Savior who removes the sting of death.  It is a joy to watch as other teens gather around to hear the adult volunteer speak about Jesus with joy and anticipation.

We thank God for your cheerful giving.  Many of you give gifts to THE ROC through your congregation, and the gifts are then periodically sent on to THE ROC as a lump sum.  For this reason, it is impossible for us to thank you personally, but we want to sincerely thank you now for your cheerful giving and generosity.  At THE ROC, during Bible/Talk Time, we regularly include thanks to God for you in our worship prayers.  We have been greatly blessed by you and through you.  Thanks from all of us at THE ROC.




Megan and Tim’s baby, William, was baptized on Sunday, February 10th, when his sins were washed away and eternal salvation is his.  The Baptism took place in Star of Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church, New Berlin,Wisconsin, where his father is Principal/Teacher.  Sadly, quite awhile ago Sue, our daughter, and Jim, her husband, had invited me to see our youngest granddaughter, Laura, perform in “Les Miserables”, a musical, on Saturday, the 9th, and I could not be at this very special and blessed event.  How I wish I could have been at Star of Bethlehem too, but a person cannot be in two places at once.


Jessica and Brian Weiland collected me Friday and chauffeured me to Merrill where Sue, Jim, and Laura live.  Saturday all in the Weiland family and I went to see and hear Laura in the stage play which was held at DC Everest High School, Schofield, Wisconsin.  More than one hundred of the area’s most talented students from nine area high schools performed the smash Broadway hit.  Laura was great in the play and I am thankful I could be there, although I did miss my darling husband not being with me.  We had seen Laura perform in “Oklahoma” together awhile ago, and she did very well in that play too.


On Sunday, the 10th, I was looking forward to hearing Laura’s father preach for the Christ Evangelical Lutheran church service in Merrill, but they had a guest preacher, Pastor/Missionary Tim Flunker, preach.  He also lead an informational/instructional seminar in connection with the congregation’s outreach program to the Hispanic Community.  Both the sermon and presentation were very interesting.  I had a very fun time with all in the Weiland family all weekend.  For one of the meals Sue baked two delicious farm-grown chickens which some members had given them, and Jim made mouth-watering Spatzle, German noodles which he had learned to make when he was an exchange student in Germany.   On Sunday afternoon Karen and James (Sue and Jim’s son) took me back to Watertown.  The roads were very slick and icy all the way to Stevens Point, but James is a very careful, and we arrived in Watertown safely.  I thank our dear Lord for the wonderful weekend He provided for me.




Dick and I loved to go to Augie’s Elite Cuisine Cooking Show every Tuesday at 1:00 PM.  Sometimes Sue, Tim, or some in their family would accompany us.  Tim did not know if he would be coming, so then it was a very nice surprise when he and Sue both showed up, dressed in red like I was.  Tim said it was his date with Sue for Valentine’s Day because he had to work at the ROC (Recreational Outreach Center for teens) that day. We were also pleasantly surprised when Augie picked all three of us and, Tom, a man who usually attends, to go up to the Chef’s Table.  Four people sit and watch Augie cook in front of them, and then get to eat everything he cooks.  He cooked Pan Seared Chicken Breast With Baked Garden Rice Pilaf And Sauteed Green Beans With Bacon.  It was a great menu, and all of us enjoyed it immensely.  Thank you, Augie, and Kim, his wife, who serves all the kinds of foods he cooks to the guests in the audience on dessert plates.


Another Valentine’s Day treat for Sue was to take her to see the movie “Stolen Identity” at the theater in Johnson Creek.  They let me tag along which was very kind of them.  I had never been there, so it was a special treat for me.  I had to have popcorn while we watched the movie.  For me that’s part of going to movies.  All of us enjoyed it very much.  At least it made sense to me which some of the movies these days don’t.  It was funny too.  After the movie we went to Pine Cone Restaurant in Johnson Creek to have a bowl of yummy dumpling soup and a biscuit.  That was plenty after all the popcorn I ate. 




Dick’s and my 32nd great grandchild, son of Tim (Sue and Tim’s son), his wife, Megan, and little Timothy came to visit Sue and Tim on Friday, the 22nd of February.  They invited me to come for lunch on Saturday.  How thrilled I was because I was going to see little William for the first time!  He was born on January 31st, so he was over three weeks old!  My eyes filled with tears when I saw him because he resembles my dear husband, his great grandfather, and our Tim, his grandfather, so much.  He has the Mueller nose, lips, and chin.  How I wish that Dick could see him!  I held him for quite awhile and he fell asleep on my lap.  I had to give him to his mother because Sue called us to come for lunch.  She had the most delicious sub sandwiches I had ever eaten – even with homemade meatballs.  All of us missed Dick who always sat at the head of the table.  Julie, Tom, Addie, and sweet little Amelia were there too, and we had a very blessed visit until it was time for Tim, Megan, Timothy, and dear little William to go back to New Berlin.  Another highlight of the visit was when Megan said that her mother had met Mr. Allan Aldinger (a playmate of Dick’s when he was a boy) in Ridgeway, Minnesota, where Dick’s father was a pastor years ago.  Dick and he were in contact with each other via e-mails, and we went to Luther Prep when Mr. Aldinger was there for a meeting.  I met him for the first time, and it was a joy watching and listening to the two of them recall memories of when they were boys.  Thank you, God for a very blessed day!




After waiting all day for a telephone call from Julie and Tom after they saw their doctor, Julie excitedly called and said that they are expecting a little girl baby in July!  Isn’t it an almighty God who has given doctors the know-how on how to be able to know the sex of a baby before it is even born?  That was unheard of years ago.  Our ancestors would be amazed – not only amazed, but appalled!  The word “sex” was not even spoken then.  How the world has changed!  We (Dick is in my heart) are thankful to our loving Lord for another great blessing to our ever-growing family.


PEBBLES FROM THE ROC – MARCH              "How can I help our ROC Youth Center.  "What can I do?"  What a blessing it is when God’s people just want to help!  "For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works" (Ephesians 2:10).  Our love in Christ overflows.  So how can you help?  Food is always greatly appreciated.  The teens love pizza, hot dogs, cookies, chocolate brownies, salad and really anything you give.  The ROC treasurer is in need of a laptop to handle the accounting which would be passed on to future treasurers.  You can help by stopping down at THE ROC (213 N. 3rd St.) to help supervise for an hour or two.  If supervising isn’t what you want, maybe stopping down to play a game of checkers (or another game) with a teen fits you better.  If you are somewhat of an artist, we need a memory wall at THE ROC where "graduated teens" can leave their initials and date.  An idea of a grape vine with signed grapes has been mentioned.  If you are good at organizing the construction of a float, we would love to have a ROC float for parades.  If you like to share God’s Word, offer ideas and help for our daily Bible/Talk Time.  We pray the ideas given to help will provide something for you.  Just stop on by at THE ROC or call or e-mail Pastor Mueller (  920-261-4444, 206-9581,  What a blessing to work with you as one in Christ.


Also in the March 2013 St. Mark’s “THE MESSENGER” are two memorials given in memory of my sweet husband, Pastor/Missionary Richard W. Mueller.  They were given by Ron and Joyce Zwieg and the OWLS.  Two memorials were also given in memory of my cousin, Edward Kuckkan.  They were given by Marie Dobbratz and Margie Eickelberg.  Thank you all for your loving kindness.




Debbie came to our home in Watertown from Glen and her home in Colgate to visit with me.  She brought Caleb, her grandson and our great grandson, with her.  We went to Kohl’s in Johnson’s Creek, about five miles from Watertown.  Debbie works at Kohl’s in Menominee Falls, so was interested in the one there.  They had just remodeled and added a very nice up-to-date cosmetic department which she was especially interested in. Our grandson, Chris Mueller, who lives in Orlando, Florida, had given me a Kohl’s gift card for Christmas, so I found some cute dearfoams house slippers which I needed.  Thank you, Chris!  After we left Kohl’s, we went to Culver’s for a delicious lunch.  We had a great time together!  Thank you, Debbie and Caleb, for coming to visit me.




What is a Lia Sophia party?  I didn’t know, but I was invited to it, so Sue, our Tim’s, wife picked up Julie Pasch (Jenny’s sister) and me and took us to Lannon, Wisconsin, where Jenny and Kevin live.  Jenny had a lot of delicious goodies for the women to eat.   Dominique Wrobel, a member of St. Mark’s in Watertown had a lot of beautiful jewelry on display and showed us many different ways how to wear it.  She also handed out catalogues with pictures of jewelry (with prices of it and order forms).  It was a lot of fun!  I met a lady, Heidi Gilbert Then from the church who is a good friend of our Debbie and had a nice time visiting with her.  Thank you, Jenny, for inviting me.  Thank you, Sue, for giving me a ride to Lannon.




Since our little red Cavalier was in the garage getting its transmission fixed because it wouldn’t go into reverse for me, I drove our old rusty truck to church.  Hey, it gets me where I want to go.  Family members use it when they need it, and little did I think that I would ever have to drive it.  I thank God that it runs very well.  It reminds me of the days when Dick and I drove Land Rovers through the African bush on roads which had turned to water and mud during the rainy seasons.  The Luther Prep chorus sang beautifully.  It sang “Beautiful Savior” and “On Eagles’ Wings” (which I love).  Cassie Chmielewski, our oldest great granddaughter, was among those in the Prep Chorus who sang.  The children circled the St. Mark’s balcony while they sang, and it brought tears to my eyes.  I remember singing in the St. Mark’s choir from the balcony when I was a teen.  I missed dear Dick sitting next to me.  My cousin, Louis Kuckkan, did sit next to me.  His wife, Ora, videotapes the services from the balcony.  Pastor Michael Jensen had a very heart-wrenching sermon based on Luke 32:47-51.  It was about how Jesus’ disciple, Judas, betrayed Jesus with a kiss in the Garden of Gethsemane, and the disciple, Peter, cut off Malchus’ ear with his sword which Jesus healed.   I walked over to St. Mark’s School for a delicious soup and sandwich Lenten supper (Dick and I had done that).  I sat at a table with two mothers with their beautiful children who attend St. Marks.  Their mothers are married to Spanish fathers.  I found out that one of the mothers is related to Roy and Betty Zastrow.  They were “Winter Texans” who traveled to the Rio Grande Valley for the winter seasons, and worked hard to help Abiding Savior (where Dick was Pastor) members in Weslaco, Texas, remodel the church and build a parish hall next to the church.  What a blessing it was to have them and other “Winter Texans” attend our services, meetings, potlucks, etc.




Christopher Mueller, son of Sue and Tim, came from Eagle River, WI with his Christ Lutheran School basket ball team, the Cardinals, on Friday, the 8th.  Bekah and Emmaline also came with him.  The team played Good Shepherd of Downers Grove, IL.  I met a man, Craig Tillman, who is a relative of the other coach of the Cardinals, and talked a little with him like Dick and I used to talk to people.  After the game all of us went to Sue and Tim’s for a delicious lunch of barbecue hamburgers, etc., and Harry and David mouth-watering delicacies for dessert   I also went to see another tournament game on the 9th and took some pictures which Tim will take off my camera and put on the internet like Dick did.  Again I was invited to lunch and then had a wonderful visit with Sue, Tim, and all in their ever-growing family.  It was fun talking to them because all their little children are now grown-ups with beautiful families of their own.  On the way home I stopped at the ROC (like Dick and I tried to do every week) to visit with Tim, the teens, and the volunteers.  So many of the teens give big hugs of welcome and “God be with you ‘til we meet again” hugs.  Mrs. Debbie Vomhof, a volunteer, and I had a nice visit too.  She is the wife of Jerry Vomhof who works for Thrivent Insurance.  Then I went home, ate a bite, and watched “Mission Impossible” with Tom Cruise”on Netflix.  It really is something when he climbed that very tall tower in Dubai.  What a place that is!




Sue, Tim, their family, and I had planned to attend the 10:45 AM service at St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church together.  Imagine my surprise while I was waiting for them in the hallway seeing Nicki, Dave, Cassie, and David Chmielewski walk in!   What a blessing it was that all of us sat together hearing and singing God’s Word.  Pastor Karl Walther preached a very edifying sermon.  The sermon text was based on John12:20-33.  The theme was:  “Glorify God’s Name!”  The parts were:  1.  Not by embracing this world.  2.  But by embracing Christ’s cross.  Pastor pointed to the cross during the sermon which reminded me of Dick who pointed to the cross when he preached, reminding all of us that our dear Jesus died for all of our sins so that we can go to heaven to live with him!  How thankful we should be for that great love!   Dick wanted to see Jesus, and now he is not only seeing him, but talking to him and walking with him.  After the service Nicki, Dave, Cassie, Caleb, and I went to Hardees for lunch, and then went to the Sacred Spring Concert at Luther Prep.  Cassie sang in the Sexta-Quinta Choir.  I loved all of the beautiful singing and music.  God has blessed Dick and me with four generations of our family attending NW (Luther) Prep.  After the concert they took me back to our car which I had left at the church, and I headed for home.  Thank you God for a very blessed day!





Dick and I usually tried to go to Augie’s Cooking Show every week on Tuesdays in the basement of the City Hall; so do Sue, Tim, and family.  Today the weather was quite good (just flurries of snow for a change), so I went to it.  Tim came too.  The menu was:  Spicy Pan Seared Cod With Roasted Tomato Gardiener, Spanish Potatoes, and Roasted Eggplant, Onions, and Peppers.  The samples of food Augie cooked which the audience received were very delicious.  Since it was Augie’s 50th birthday, his wife, Kim, had made a delectable birthday cake with 50 candles on it!  She lit them and her husband blew all of them out.  It was fun, but Sue, Tim, and our daughter, Susie, are going to have more fun because we are leaving for Orlando, Florida, tomorrow, March 13th!  Dick wanted to go too and was so excited.  He was feeling great and we were so looking forward to going together.  He, too, wanted to see our oldest son, Richard, his wife, Wanda, and their family in Orlando. We have not seen Jonathan, our youngest great grandchild there.  God called Dick to live with Him in his heavenly home.  At first I had mixed feelings about going, but our families told me that Dad (Grandpa, Great Grandpa) would want me to go.  I know my loving husband would want me to and have fun with our children and their families.   So I am going with Dick in my heart. We are also going on a Caribbean cruise from the 16th-21st, and then coming back home to Wisconsin.  God is with us!




(Sue Weiland’s letter – March 26, 3013)


Hi all,

    You all know that Tim, Sue, I and mom went on the Bahama cruise this past week.  I just wanted to let you all know how it went!

     We got on the ship running coz it was a lot of go, go, go.  The first day Tim, I and mom went on a snorkeling adventure.  Mom had her very own "guide" named Laura who took very good care of her with her own little tour to see all the fish coz mom was a little nervous but she did great!  She was quite cold when we got back on the boat but the Bahama Mama’s warmed her up quick.  Then the native Bahamians served us a great chicken meal with conch salad on the beach!  Mom loved that!

     The next day, Tim, Sue and mom went shopping in Nassau while I went scuba diving.  Mom did a lot of walking to the point that her feet were quite swollen that night so we decided to get a wheelchair for her the rest of the cruise and shore excursions.  It was well worth it…..!

     The last excursion was in Key West, Florida where we took a conch train tour of the city and just hung out!  Sue and mom went on a glass bottom boat tour while Tim and I went para sailing.  Fun times!

    The last day was in the sunshine on the deck!  I almost got in a fight over someone taking my lounge chair and towel but other than that, it was very relaxing!

    So that’s our cruise in a nutshell.   Mom will tell you that she missed dad a lot but all in all, she did great!       Love you all!!!  Have a very blessed Easter everyone!  The Lord has risen, He has risen indeed!   Sue


(Mom Mueller’s letter – March 27. 2013- Cruise News)


Dear loved ones,


Our sweet daughter, Susie (Mrs. James Weiland) has already written to you about her, Sue, Tim, and my Bahama Cruise.  Thank you, Susie!   I thank God for all of our dear children who are so loving and good to me.  I know that Dad would be very proud of all of you.  I thank God especially for Susie, Sue, and Tim who made it possible for me to fly to Orlando, Florida, with them and go on our cruise.  I could not have done it without them.  Susie was a great roommate!


We arrived in Orlando on March 13th (Susie came on the 15th because of work), and were blessed to be with our son, Richard, his wife, Wanda, their son, Chris (and dog Ivory), Kelly, and their (Kelly and Ismael) three children, Christina, Alya, Jonathan (and dog Peaches).   Dad and I had never seen the two younger great grandchildren, and Jonathan is over five years old!  How I wished Dad could have been there too, but he is living in glory with Jesus and other loved ones in heaven eternally.  Dick took us especially to see two Cameros which he and another man are restoring.  They are beautiful!  Chris excitedly showed us a quad-helicopter (he put together from parts) which flies by remote control, and is fast!  It flew high all over the neighborhood.  One has a camera attached and took a picture of it.  I think that it is like the drones that are talked about.  Chris has a business and is on the internet:  www.HOBBYFLIP.COM.  Kelly was delighted to be shown how to crochet by Sue, I had fun batting a ball back and forth with paddles with Jonathan while sitting on the floor with our feet touching one another.  Christina showed off with living lizards hanging from her ears!  All of us walked to a park in the suburb in which they live.  We had loads of fun together.


On Thursday, the 14th, Sue, Tim, and I went to Disneyland and saw and did all kinds of fantastic things.  We went on the Space Mountain and Thunder Mountain rollercoasters.  Whew!  Those things go pretty high, and fast!  I did get some bruised ribs on one of them because the three of us were crowded into a too-small seat and something dug into my right side, but was able to see so many other amazing sights (Peter Pan, Small World, Beauty and the Beast, an amazing parade, etc.) at Disneyworld and go on the  Bahama cruise too, thanks be to God! 


Susie has told you about the cruise.  How I love that tropical sun while lying, swimming, and sitting in the Jacuzzi on the Carnival Ecstasy’s deck.  What bliss!  The food was delicious!  They actually served lobster which Dick and I had not eaten for many years.  Susie and I met an African worker on the ship from Zimbabwe, and had an interesting  conversation with him.  We always know someone is from Africa by the person’s accent.


We were with Dick (Wanda had to work) and his and Wanda’s family for the last day.  Our flights to and from Orlando were great.  Tim and I had window seats on the AirTran plane because we like to look down at the scenery and places we fly over.  Thank you, Tim, for arranging that.  And thank you and Susie for arranging all the excursions and everything too on the internet.  I also thank Tom for taking us to Mitchell airport in Milwaukee and collecting us when we came back.  God bless all of you.


Have a very blessed and happy Easter season, dear loved ones!  There is a note of sadness, yet of joy, on March 31st.   My brother, Henry John Kuckkan, Jr. (born September 23,1935) went to live with Jesus on March 31, 1942.  He had rheumatic fever which weakened his heart.  In those days they did not operate on hearts.  Imagine, Dad is with him in heaven too.  With much love and God’s richest blessings always, Mom



Article in Watertown Daily Times – “St. John’s Plans Tenebrae ServiceSt. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, 304 N. Sixth St., will hold Tre Ore Worship on Friday from noon to 3 p.m.  Tenebrae worship will be at 8 p.m.”

Our Tim preached for part of the Tre Ore Worship, so I attended Good Friday service at St. John’s.  I only wish Dick could have been there to hear him.  He would have been so proud.  Sue, Tim’s wife, Julie, Tom, Addie, Amelia, Holly, Matt, and Lily were there.  Tim’s sermon was based on John 19:25-27:  “The Third Word” – “Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother’s sister, Mary, the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene.  When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to his mother, “Dear woman, here is your son, and to the disciple, “Here is your mother.  From that time on, this disciple took her into his home.”  Jesus loved and respected his mother, as The Fourth Commandment teaches us:  “Thou shalt honor thy father and thy mother, that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.”  Tim has a preacher’s voice that everyone can easily understand, just like his father and grand-father.




Saturday, Debbie, our oldest daughter, came with her grandchildren (our great grandchildren), Cassie, and Caleb Chmielewski and collected me from our home to take me to Colgate, WI. to stay with her and our son-in-law, Glen Wilson, for the Easter weekend.  I was very excited because I would be going to church with them on Easter Sunday, the 31st, at Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church, Sussex, Wisconsin.  Glen was also going to sing with the church choir.  Also, Nicki (Dave was in N. Carolina for work), Cassie, and Caleb Chmielewski – Mark, Jamie, Aubrey, and Brayden Wilson – Kathy (Roger had to work), Kaitlin, and Brian Wilson – and Ken and Joe Chmielewski would be joining us for the dinner at Debbie and Glen’s home.  It was a joy to be at Faith Lutheran to help celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, our Savior.  Because Jesus lives, we too will live with Him in glory forever!  The sumptuous dinner was enjoyed by all.  Dick always enjoyed Glen’s sweet potatoes.  How blessed we are!  I was so happy to be with all who came although some who were at other gatherings before were now enjoying a greater feast in heaven.   Monday Debbie came back home from work (teaching little ones swimming at the YMCA) with Aubrey and Brayden who she was babysitting.  The four of us had lunch and then enjoyed being together for the afternoon.  Aubrey is so smart and loves books.  Brayden got so tired that he went to the upstairs steps, sat on the first step and put his head on the second step. They are just two of the wonderful 34 great grandchildren the Lord has blessed us with.  Nicki took me home to Watertown.  She was also taking their daughter, Cassie, back to Luther Prep.  Thank you for a very enjoyable blessed weekend, Debbie and Glen!



Recently we transported a bunch of teens (mostly unchurched) from the ROC to one of our churches for worship.  Before worship one of the teen girls had a puzzling look and then asked Pastor Mueller why there was a banner in front showing a lamb with a cut and blood spilling out.  The teen felt the scene looked cruel and gory.  Since there was not enough time at the moment to explain the Old Testament Passover and sacrifices pointing to Christ, Pastor Mueller simply told the girl, "Jesus, our Savior and God, like an innocent lamb, the Lamb of God, willingly shed His pure blood on the cross in your place so that your sins would be completely paid for.  Look the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world".  The teen girl was immediately satisfied with the answer and the puzzled look was gone.  Thanks be to God.


Sun., June 23, 2013, golf at 3 pm, eat at 7ROC Golf Outing (Sign a team up by June 15th, reserve a dinner, donate an auction item, sponsor a hole – call Don at 920-261-1319)

July 18, 19, 20, 2013ROC Rummage Sale (Donations accepted July 14-17.  Please volunteer to help get tables, prepare, work the sale and clean up – call Ruth at 261-6772)

August 16+17, 2013 – Glenn’s Market Brat Stand – Brat of the Week – Packer Brat




How proud Matt’s grandfather, my husband, would have been of Matt when he preached at Star of Bethlehem, New Berlin, Wisconsin.  I was so proud of him because he already preaches so much like his father, our son, Tim, his grandfather, and his great grandfather (Dick’s father).  He expressed himself so well, and his sermon was very inspirational.  Star of Bethlehem is where Matt’s brother, Timothy, is Principal/Teacher of the school.  He is another grandson to be very proud of.  After the service everyone visited.  I was happy to see little William, Timothy and Megan’s little boy, who was born January 31st.  He is named after my husband, whose middle name is William.  It was great to see his brother, Timothy III, and so many of Megan’s relatives, our relatives; and many friends.  What a blessed day it was!!!



Jenny and Kevin Poston invited me to come to St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran School where their three older children, Joshua, Jonah, and Conner would take part in a school play.  The name of the play was “Tom Sawyer”.  I drove to Sue and Tim’s home, and they took me to Lannon.  It was still early, so Jenny invited us to have delicious tuna sandwiches for lunch with her and the two younger children, Tyler, and Elliana.  It was a joy to be in their home and have some special time with them.  I read a book to Tyler and played with little Ella.  The children were very good in the play, and worked very hard.  Thank you, Sue and Tim, for taking me, and thank you, Postons, for a wonderful time.




How did I ever get 83 years old?  That is old!!!  My sweet husband, Dick, and I would sometimes talk about if we would live until the year 2000.  Well, we have lived until after 2000.  God granted Dick almost 12 years more, and here I am celebrating my 83rd birthday today, only by the grace and mercy of our dear loving Lord.  He granted us almost 70 years together, and 60 years (on June 7th) of a blessed and happy marriage.  How thankful I am!  Today at noon our son, Tim, daughter, Debbie (their schedules worked out so they could come), and I celebrated my birthday by having a delicious lunch at Applebees here in Watertown.  The employees there sang “Happy Birthday” to me, and presented me with a huge sundae of ice cream, chocolate, whipped cream, and a cherry on top!  One of them took a few pictures of us.  Thank you, Debbie, and Tim, for coming to celebrate my birthday with me.  Also, I want to thank all those who sent me beautiful cards, messages via e-mail, facebook, and telephone calls.  All are very much appreciated.   I especially appreciate it that you talked about your Dad (Grandpa, Great Grandpa, and friend).  We miss him very much, but know that he is in heaven with Jesus happily singing with the angels J  .  God bless all of you!




Sue and Tim took me with them to St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lannon, WI. to hear their three oldest children, Joshua, Jonah, Conner (little 3-year-old brother, Tyler, sat with them).  The children attend school at St. John’s, and all the school children’s singing was beautiful.  Their father is Music Director/Teacher at St. John’s, and he and Jenny (Sue and Tim’s daughter) live near the church.  They have five children – four boys and sweet little 1-year-old Elliana.  We had a great lunch at their home, visited, and then Sue and Tim said they wanted to take me to the Mineshaft in Hartford, WI. for my birthday.  If you know our son, Tim, he was always a tease, and still is.  When they seated us, he said this is too noisy and that we should go up to a quieter room upstairs.  So we climbed a long stairway, and he opened a door to a room.  Many loving, smiling, happy family faces shouted SURPRISE!!!!  Four of our six grownup children, spouses, and families were there!  Steph, Jeff, Dick, Wanda, and families couldn’t be there because of the distance, and I understand that.  I know they wanted to be there.  Delicious pizza was served, and a beautifully decorated birthday cake was served.  God is so good to me, and I thank Him for all of His bountiful blessings.  I miss my very loving husband, but I know he is in His heavenly home with Jesus singing with the angels.  Thank you, family, for everything!!!!




Sue, Tim’s wife, invited me to a surprise birthday party for Tim, so she, Jenny, Kevin, and family, Julie, Tom, and family, Joanne and Jerry Brandt, and I were all staring out the living room window waiting for Tim.  Sue had asked him to go on an errand for her, a ruse to get him away from the house.  When we saw him coming, there was so much excitement (especially the children), and we all went into the dining room.  Of course, when he came in the door, there were all of our shoes, and he knew!  He peeked around the dining room opening, and everyone shouted SURPRISE!!!!  He was really surprised!  We had a great meal of delicious chili and a mouth-watering birthday cake which Sue had made.  Gifts were opened and pictures were taken.  I was there with my camera clicking away for Tim’s birthday party.  Again, we had a fun time, thanks be to God!




Yes, Tim’s younger brother, Steven, was in surgery on Tim’s actual birthday.  He was an outpatient at Aurora Medical Center, Hartford, WI.  He had to have a lipoma removed from his right side.  He said the doctor said it was as big as a kiwi and a half, and on facebook Steve described it as “big as a baseball”.   When I talked to him on the phone, he said that he has a Jackson Pratt Wound Drain.  He said that he has a doctor’s appointment on Friday, May 2nd, and then will have the stitches out.  I have always said that when something happens to my husband and to our children, I wish it was happening to me and not them.  Thank you, God, for taking care of our dear son, Steve.




We weren’t able to be with Steve on his birthday, but his wife, Melody, delighted him with a car washer.  He has a picture of it on his Facebook.  Everyone knows that Steve has always loved his car.  When he was a little boy (while I was ironing), he would sit in a big cardboard box and pretend that it was his car.  God bless you, Steve, on your birthday, and always!




When checking Facebook I noticed that there was a great event announced which was to take place at 5:30 PM to start the 10th anniversary of the ROC Youth Center.  Since my dear honey, Dick, had visited the teens and our son, Tim, at the ROC, I decided to drop in for the event.  Tim had a very wonderful Bible Talk Time, and then a very generous meal was served by some ladies from Hope Lutheran Church in Oconomowoc.  I was very happy to be there, and talk with Tim, the teens, volunteers who served the meal.  April 26th is the birthday of my loving husband’s sister, Helen Mueller Kellberg, who went to live with Jesus in heaven February 12, 2011, so I had special thoughts of her. 




The celebration of life was at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in Pewaukee, Wisconsin.  Glen came to collect me because he and our daughter, Debbie, knew I would like to be there.  Will was a classmate of Dick’s at Northwestern Prep, College, and Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary.  Joyce and Will visited with us when he was called to Florence, Wisconsin.. Dick was called to Crivitz, Wisconsin, not far from Florence.  Will was buried at Memorial Park Cemetery in Brookfield, Wisconsin, the same cemetery where Dick’s uncle, Pastor Arthur Laesch, his wife, Tobea, and Missionary/Pastor Tate Sauer and his wife, Althea, are buried.  At the lunch after the burial at the church I talked with many of my classmates, Dick’s class- mates, their wives, and friends.  It was a blessing after not being with them for so many years.  One of the wives mentioned that Pastor Gerhard Cares of Columbus, Wisconsin, had been taken to heaven on April 3rd.  I was surprised because I did not know that.  “Dink” and his wife, Marianne, were in my class at Northwestern Prep. April 27th is the birthday of my sister, Beatrice Kuckkan Nehls, who went to live with Jesus in heaven October 8, 2005, so I had special thoughts of her too.




Pastor Robert Hein, is one of the pastors of Good Shepherd Evangelical Lutheran Church in West Bend, Wisconsin.  He was the guest speaker of St. Mark’s Spring Mission Festival.  He is the son of Pastor Bill and Ruth Hein, members of St. Mark’s.  Bill was a schoolmate of Dick and me at Northwestern Prep years ago.  His presentation, “Building Bridges to Proclaim the Gospel” was very interesting.  Julie, Tom, Addie, Amelia, and I were invited for supper at Sue and Tim’s.  Tim was flying a Quadcopter which he had gotten through our grandson, Chris Mueller, Orlando, Florida.  It flies fast and is fun to watch.  He showed us a solar cross (which I did not know he had) which shines at night after I had told them I was thinking of getting a Moonray solar light at Farm and Fleet to put on my Dick’s grave at the Lutheran Cemetery.  Before I left Sue and Tim’s home, Tim gave me the cross to put on his grave.  The Cemetery is near where they live, so I made a detour on the way home and put the cross on it.  It was near dark, and it was shining as I left.  It reminds me of how Dick happily and enthusiastically spread the light of the Gospel throughout his life to everyone he met in the United States, Africa, and wherever we went.   Remember the hymn, “This Little Light of Mine, I’m Gonna Let It Shine”?   Both Dick and I (and I am sure you too) taught our little lambs in our Vacation Bible Schools in our mission congregations that precious little hymn.  He loved teaching them the singing – and actions.  Thank you, Tim, for your love and respect for your Dad, and me.



"THE ROC is a place where you find a family."   A teen recently made this comment as he noticed the family that God makes through Christ our Savior.  Other teens, when asked what they thought of our Watertown Recreation and Outreach Center, answered with, "a place where you are wanted and treated with respect and love", "a place where I am accepted for myself", "a place where you find what really matters in life", "a place where I see my friends, make new friends and feel at home", "it’s my happy place", "a place where you grow in God and sing praises to Him", "a place where wonderful memories are created".   We are thankful, in a world of hurt and pain, that the teens have a place to grow in the grace and love of God.


Sun., June 23, 2013, golf at 3 pm, eat at 7ROC Golf Outing (Sign a team up by June 15th, reserve a dinner, donate an auction item, sponsor a hole – call Don at 920-261-1319)

July 18, 19, 20, 2013ROC Rummage Sale (Donations accepted July 14-17.  Please volunteer to help get tables, prepare, work the sale and clean up – call Ruth at 261-6772)

August 16+17, 2013 – Glenn’s Market Brat Stand – Brat of the Week – Packer Brat


JUNE, 2013 PEBBLES FROM THE ROC          10 YEARS – WOW!  On December 3rd, 2003, by the grace of God, our ROC Youth Center opened its doors to reach out to the youth of Watertown and the area.   Since then, there have been thousands of visits and teens coming to THE ROC, most of which were unchurched.  Only God knows how many of those teens have come to faith by the Gospel of Christ and are now on their way to heaven with us.  THE 10TH ANNIVERSARY is truly a milestone to celebrate.  We plan to celebrate by having a special Open House for EVERYONE, teens from the past sharing their thoughts, many 10th Anniversary parties for the teens, movie nights, and many other ideas which are being discussed.  "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock." (Matthew 7:24)


Sun., June 23, 2013, golf at 3 pm, eat at 7ROC Golf Outing (Sign a team up by June 15th, reserve a dinner, donate an auction item, sponsor a hole – call Don at 920-261-1319)

July 18, 19, 20, 2013ROC Rummage Sale (Donations accepted July 14-17.  Please volunteer to help get tables, prepare, work the sale and clean up – call Ruth at 261-6772)

August 16+17, 2013 – Glenn’s Market Brat Stand – "Brat of the Week – Packer Brat"


WATERTOWN DAILY TIMES                                                 May 5, 2013


To:  Mr. Tom Schultz, Editor


Voice of the People


Thank God for three faithful pastors!  Pastor Karl Walther, who wrote the article:  “God comments on same sex marriage” which appeared in the April 12, 2013, Watertown Daily Times, Pastor Jim Werner, who wrote the article: “What Has Happened?” which appeared in the May – 2013 issue of St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church’s “The Messenger”, and Pastor Michael Jensen, who wrote the article:  “It’s time for us to personally wake up” which appeared in the May 3, 2013, Watertown Daily Times.


All three pastors, who serve their loving Lord faithfully at St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church here in Watertown are sincere and dedicated to preaching and teaching God’s Word from the Bible in all of its truth and purity.  We thank God for them.  We are all sinners.  1 Peter 5:8:  “Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”


“Jesus, Jesus, only Jesus, Can my heartfelt longing still

Lo, I pledge myself to Jesus, What He wills alone to will

For my heart, which he hath filled, Ever cries, Lord as thou wilt.”  (Hymn Number 348 from:  “Christian Worship – a Lutheran Hymnal). 


Jesus, who died for our sins on the cross, is our answer!   He saved us so that all of us can be with Him in our eternal home – heaven!


Thanking you,


Mrs. Irene L. Mueller, wife of Pastor/Missionary Richard W. Mueller (who was very ill and went to live with Jesus December 1, 2012), asked our six grownup children to sing “Jesus, Jesus, Only Jesus” for him.


1520 Lakeside Terrace

Watertown, Wisconsin 53094

Phone:  920-206-0046




Cassie Chmielewski, our oldest great granddaughter, attends Luther Prep (formerly Northwestern Prep where my loving husband, Dick, and I met, and where our children, spouses, and many of our grandchildren attended) got to choose where she wanted to celebrate her 15th birthday.  She chose “El Mariachi” here in Watertown.  I was invited, so Debbie and Glen collected me at 5:30 P.M.  Nickie and Dave, Cassie’s parents, Cassie, Caleb, her brother, and Ken, Dave’s father, were also there.  It was the first time I had been at El Mariachi, and it was great!  Both Dick and I had Mexican food when he was the pastor of Abiding Savior Evangelical Lutheran Church in Weslaco, Texas, and really enjoyed it.  We would walk over the United States-Mexico border bridge over the Rio Grande River and eat delicious food in a restaurant in Progreso, Mexico.  We also ate it in Weslaco, McAllen, Harlingen, and Mission, Texas, restaurants.  Pictures were taken at El Mariachi.  Nickie and Dave brought luscious cupcakes (a candle on Cassie’s) for all of us which we ate at our condo.  What a happy and blessed day!  Thank you so very much for inviting me.




Today I went to the Lutheran Cemetery to Dick’s resting place with a Double Knock-Out rosebush which I wanted to plant.  Before he was so ill, he used to go out to our rose bushes when they were in bloom and pick one beautiful red rose which he lovingly brought in to me; hence the rosebush in memory of him.  I had to dig out some of the sod to make room for it.  Just after I had finished doing that, an Archie Monuments (we had bought the gravestone from them many years ago) truck drove up and two men came.  Our dear son, Tim, had asked them to come and clean the stone.  They told me that they had done that yesterday, but wanted to make “Heaven Is Our Home” (which was hardly readable) whiter.  When they finished, I could hardly believe it!  They not only made it whiter, but brighter and so easy to read. I was thrilled!  To think that they came at the exact time I was there!  To me that is a miracle!  God is with me.  He shows me in so many ways that He is, and I am thankful for His goodness and mercy. 




Pastor Karl Walther preached the sermon today on the sermon text:  Galatians 5:19-24.  His theme was:  “Pentecost Reminds Us:  the Holy Spirit Makes a Difference


l.        Our lives are wretched without the Spirit

2.        Our lives are wonderful with the Spirit”


Galatians 19-21:  “The acts of the sinful nature are obvious:   sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery, idolatry and witchcraft, hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy, drunkenness, orgies, and the like.  I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.”  Galatians 5:22 and 23 are some of my favorite Bible verses.  “But the fruit of the spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.”  Pastor Walther said that without the Spirit we are like weeds, but with the Spirit we bear much fruit.  My loving husband always said at the end of his lectures about our spreading the Word of God in the United States and Africa, “Work while it is day, for the night cometh when no man can work!”   




After working on e-mail and facebook correspondence in the morning, I attended the meeting of the Rock River Area Owls at 1:30 PM at St. Mark’s Parish Center in Watertown.  The guest speaker was Brian Polinski of Christian Family Solutions.  He spoke about their new in-home care program.  It was very interesting.  Sue and Tim asked me to come to their home to go with them to the Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary Auditorium in Mequon, Wisconsin, where there would be a church service and their son (our grandson), Matt, would be assigned his vicar Call.  Professor Richard Gurgel’s sermon text was:  2 Timothy 2:8:  “Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, descended from David.  This is MY Gospel!”  His sermon reminded me so much of how my dear husband, when he was so very ill, asked his children to sing Hymn 348:  “Jesus, Jesus, Only Jesus!”  Jesus is the answer!!!  When the assignment of the Vicar Calls came, all of us held our breath.  When Matt’s name was announced, he was assigned to Mount Zion, Missoula, Montana, Dakota-Montana District!!!!  After the service, everyone went to Applebees restaurant to visit and have a meal together.  Today relatives and friends received an e-mail from Matt which said:  “Rejoice with me family, I am a vicar.  “Matt Mueller, Mount Zion, Missoula, Montana, Dakota-Montana District.  The Lord is good.  He is wonderful!  He knows the plans in store for me.”  God bless you, Matt, Holly, Lilie, and baby to be born in July!!!!




It turned out to be a beautiful, sunny, day considering all the rain and cool weather we had.  It was a blessing because our son, Tim, had arranged to have a “painting Dad and Mom’s patio fence” day.  It had not been painted during the ten years we have lived here.  Last year Dick had tried to arrange a date, but on that day it turned out that Matthew preached his very first sermon which was well attended by the family.  Tim and our son-in-law, Glen (Wilson – our oldest daughter, Debbie’s, husband), came and worked from 9:00 until the afternoon.  Tim had to leave around 2:30 PM to be at the ROC, but Glen kept on working until around 5:00 PM.  Glen brought all of his equipment, except the paint, which we had.  However, it was not good anymore because it had frozen during the winter.  Glen went to Sherwin-Williams and got the paint.  He got a great discount because he buys the paint for Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  He is in charge of “Paint Shop Coordinator Facilities Services”.  Both Glen and Tim worked very hard, and the fence looks great!  Dad and I thank you – we are so blessed to have a wonderful family who are His gifts to us.  God bless you richly for your loving kindness to both of us!




Both Glen and Tim worked so hard to finish painting the patio fence yesterday, but there was still a part of the outside of it left to paint.  It is a Sunday, and so I attended the service at St. Mark’s.  Tim was also there with me, in the pew where my Dick and I always sat.  His wife, Sue, had to work, and many in their family were already together at Pioneer Park in Lake Delton, Wisconsin, where there is a Memorial Day service.  After the service Tim said he was going home to change clothes and would be at our condo after that.  I knew right away what he had in mind – PAINTING – to finish painting the fence!  I told him that he should rest today, but he is a grown man and is always thinking of others, including his Mom.  Even though his Dad is in heaven, I know he was thinking of him too.  He came, ate some lunch, and was out there painting for a couple hours.  I hope and pray that he went home to rest because he deserves it.  When Sue gets home this evening, they will be joining their family at Pioneer Park for Memorial Day.  They need all the room they can get to accommodate all of them, so I told them that I would stay here – it’s the least I can do for all that they do for me.  Thank you so very much, Tim!


MAY 26, 2013 – AFTER TIM LEFT…….


After Tim left, I went to the Lutheran Cemetery in love and respect for my loving husband for nearly 60 years – our wedding anniversary is June 7th.  There were other people there visiting and decorating the resting places of their loved ones.  Mr. Ray Dobbratz’s resting place is near Dick’s, and while I was there, Marie, his wife stopped her car exactly where the Archie Monuments truck had stopped on May 16th.   She still lives a block away from our condo on Lakeside Terrace.  She came to decorate Ray’s resting place.  I have known Marie since we were neighbors as children and played together.  Her brother (Roy Schwefel) is resting near where Ray and Dick are.  Dick and I knew him at Northwestern Prep.  They and so many other souls of loved ones at the Lutheran Cemetery in Watertown are in heaven with Jesus!




After Sue, Tim, Julia, Tom, and their girls, Adalynn, and Amelia got back from Pioneer Park in Lake Delton (where they had been for Memorial Day weekend), Julia had to be taken to the hospital.  She is due to have their baby girl in July, but had a problem, so had to be taken to Froedtert Hospital.  Today Tim, her father, said that they are doing well right now.  The doctors are taking no chances, however, and will keep Julie and the baby in the Hospital until they are absolutely sure there isn’t a problem.  Please keep them all in your prayers.


MAY 29, 2013 – NO ROSE BUSH!!!


This afternoon I had a disappointment.  While at the cemetery, I was told by a cemetery worker that the rosebush I planted on May 16th has to be taken out because it does not conform to cemetery rules.  So I headed to Walmart and got two Carnation Garden Spice plants.  Then I went back to the cemetery, took out the beautiful blooming rosebush and planted the plants in its place.   I must say that they do look very nice.  They are Perennials, so should come up every year, and smell wonderful!  I was very disappointed, but rules are rules – live and learn! 




Julia and their unborn child were allowed by the doctors to go back to their home Watertown!  Everything seems to be okay, thanks be to our all-knowing God!




10 YEARS – WOW!  On December 3rd, 2003, by the grace of God, our ROC Youth Center opened its doors to reach out to the youth of Watertown and the area.   Since then, there have been thousands of visits and teens coming to THE ROC, most of which were unchurched.  Only God knows how many of those teens have come to faith by the Gospel of Christ and are now on their way to heaven with us.  THE 10TH ANNIVERSARY is truly a milestone to celebrate.  We plan to celebrate by having a special Open House for EVERYONE, teens from the past sharing their thoughts, many 10th Anniversary parties for the teens, movie nights, and many other ideas which are being discussed.  "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock." (Matthew 7:24)


Sun., June 23, 2013, golf at 3 pm, eat at 7ROC Golf Outing (Sign a team up by June 15th, reserve a dinner, donate an auction item, sponsor a hole – call Don at 920-261-1319)

July 18, 19, 20, 2013ROC Rummage Sale (Donations accepted July 14-17.  Please volunteer to help get tables, prepare, work the sale and clean up – call Ruth at 261-6772)

August 16+17, 2013 – Glenn’s Market Brat Stand – "Brat of the Week – Packer Brat"




The weather was very cool today for a school picnic, but Sue, Tim, Julie, Tom, and two children, Addie, and Amelia, Joanne and Jerry Brandt and I went to it.  Pastor Michael Jensen preached the sermon, the school children sang, and the St. Mark’s band played.  There was a prayer in honor of  Sue and Tim’s 34th wedding anniversary.  Quite a few people were there.  Some of them, including us, brought chairs so we could sit on the grass.  After the service Addie played some of the games which had been organized for the children.  Since I carry my camera with me, I took some pictures to remember the day.


Sue and Jim arrived from Merrill and stayed overnight.  Jim and Tim are attending a meeting tomorrow at Luther Prep which will be attended by pastors, teachers, and laymen.  Susie is staying with me for the day which I am very happy about.  When Jim comes back from the meeting, they will have to leave for home.




Jim left for the meeting at Luther Prep very early in the morning.  When Sue and I got up, we ate breakfast, and then went to Walmart because she wanted to buy some vegetable plants.  She was very disappointed because they did not have the 4-pack or 6-pack tomatoes or peppers, but only $3.00 and over for one plant.  We decided to go to the Shopko nursery.  They had exactly what she wanted, so she bought many tomatoes, peppers, and cilantro.  After we went there, we went to Perkins for lunch, and shared a delicious BBQ burger and fries.  We wanted to go out to my Honey’s (Susie’s Dad) resting place at the Lutheran Cemetery, so we drove there and stayed awhile.  Everyone in the family misses him so very much.  The plants I planted are doing well.  We took pictures.  We also went to visit “Ma” and “Pa” Kuckkan, my brother, Henry, Grandpa and Grandpa Kuckkan, Pa’s sister, Clara, Beatrice (my sister), and her and Donnie’s (Nehls) three babies’ resting places.  We visited Tim’s wife, Sue, who was home, for about an hour.  After that we went to our condo, and she took a nap.  She said, “Mama, you wear me out!”  I thought that was so cute.  I went outside (the weather was fantastic today) and started clipping off the leaves of tulips and daffodils – also dug out some hidden near bushes for Sue and Jim.  Susie came and helped – and wow – did she help!!!!  I also clipped off some dead leaves off our Yucca plant, leaving some beautiful healthy leaves in the middle.  My hands aren’t as strong as they used to be, but thank the good Lord, I don’t have arthritis.  We finished the job!  After we finished, we gathered all the leaves together with our hands and put them into plastic bags so that I can haul them to Yard Waste on Wednesday afternoon.  Before we started, I said to Susie, “Dad would get a rake to do this”.  And she said, “Yes, he would because he would have to get all the “schnibbels” (as he called bits of paper, etc.).  We had a good laugh when she remembered that.  Is that a German word?  When we finished, we went into the house and ate a venison meal I had made in the slow cooker, and watched a Netflix movie.  Jim came near the end and they left for Merrill.  Thank you, God, for such a happy and blessed day with Susie!  Thank you, Susie for coming along with Jim to spend a wonderful day with your Mom.  It is always such a blessing to visit with our children, spouses, and their families.




On this special day when my loving husband and I were married in St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Watertown, Wisconsin, I have some very good memories of our 25th, 40th, and 50th anniversaries when our six children and families surprised us with wonderful blessed church services and receptions.  Also there are good memories of all the other happy times we were together – birthday celebrations, cruises, trips, etc.  That is what I am thinking about today – the wonderful times Dad and I had when we were together with our families, other relative, and friends.  Thank you all for your thoughtfulness and loving kindness.  My Honey used to cut one rose from our rose bushes (when the roses bloomed), and lovingly bring it into the kitchen to give to me.  Today I cut a beautiful rose off the same bush he used to cut one off of, put it into a vase, and took it out to his resting place.  I have a very long list (which I keep adding to) of many of the things he used to do for me (you can imagine what some of them are) and other people.  We loved each other very much!




A big “THANK YOU1” to all of our families and friends who remembered our special day with all of the lovely gifts, delicious dinners, e-mails, facebook messages, phone calls, beautiful plants, etc.  I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  God bless all of you!




Dear loved ones,


Today I went to the "Aquatic Center" at Riverside Park in Watertown.  When I was a kid, and my sisters and friends used to go there, it was called the "swimming pool."  I thought I would check it out and see what it is like now.  The other day I went there and found out that it is $3., and they have "adult lap swimming from 10:00 AM-11:00 AM.  I went there around 10:15, and there weren’t many people there at all.  Wow, I had the whole pool practically by myself!  It is much bigger than it used to be. but it is very nice.  There are picnic tables where the changing rooms used to be, and there is a place in-between where all kinds of food can be 12:00.  What a surprise!  At least they kept the wide wall at the top of the long steps we used to go up. 


Anyway, it was a treat to go there – the place where my sisters and I learned to swim.  Jenny and Kevin, I think you told Grandpa and me that you took your family there, right? 


With God’s richest blessings and much love, Mom (Grandma-Great Grandma- Sister- Friend, etc.)




There was a band concert at Riverside Park on Thursday evening at 7:30, so I decided to go.  Dick and I used to play in the Northwestern Prep/College band.  He played the tuba and I played the clarinet.  It was a beautiful night, and the attendance was quite good.  The concert was wonderful, especially when the band played selections from Rodgers and Hammerstein.  They also played a John Philip Sousa march.  When we played in the band, Professor Hilton Oswald was the director, and he loved John Philip Sousa marches!  I found myself tapping my foot with the music, and I also wanted to sing with the beautiful songs.  Dick and I went to some of the band concerts, and really enjoyed them.




Sue and Tim’s family, Joanne and Jerry Brandt, and I were invited to come to Julie, Tom, Addie, Amelia, and soon-to-be-born baby’s beautiful home to celebrate Amelia’s 1st birthday party.  The weather cooperated, so all of us were able to be outdoors on the deck visiting and eating the delicious kabobs which Tom grilled.  The children played on the trampoline and the swing set.  All of us had a very good time.  Thank you, Julie and Tom!


JUNE 16, 2013 – FATHER’S DAY


Yes, it was Father’s Day – a day to remember all the fathers – from years gone by and this year. 2013.  The father of our six children is now living in heaven with our heavenly Father.  Sue and Tim were with me sitting in St. Mark’s where my loving husband and I always sat.  The sermon was preached by Pastor Michael Jensen and the text was on:  1 Samuel 1:9-11, 18b-20.  The theme was:  “You Are Heard By The Lord – 1.  For Your Joy  2.  For the Joy of Others – Hannah’s prayer for a child was heard by the Lord and answered when she gave birth to Samuel.  She brought him to the house of the Lord while he was very young so that he could serve the Lord and others all of his life.  After the service we went to Sue and Tim’s home, and their families also came to partake of a delicious Father’s Day lunch prepared by the wives.  Gifts were given, pictures were taken, and then we went out on their big deck and sat visiting.  The children and some of the adults went into the above-ground swimming pool.  The littlest children “planchered” (Ma and Pa said we girls did that.  I think it’s German for “splashed” J. ) in a little plastic pool.  It was a fantastic not a cloud in the sky day!  After I left in the afternoon, I went to The Lutheran Cemetery which is very near Sue and Tim’s home.  I had brought a lovely rose (solar) which glows in the dark which I put on my Honey’s resting place.  I stayed there quite awhile renewing many old precious memories of him and our families.




“Annabelle Elizabeth Pasch” is beautiful!  As I look at the wonderful great grandchildren blessings from God, I see my husband’s features!  Ask the parents – they will tell you that I see his lips, or his nose, etc.  Yes, I miss him very much, but thank God for all the blessed years we did have together!


JUNE 22, 2013 – CAR TROUBLE!


As I was “merrily rolling along” on South 4th Street, the steering of our little red Ford Cavalier started getting harder and harder.  I had noticed it the day before, and thought, “Am I getting weaker?”  Anyway, I crossed Main Street.  A policeman had stopped some in the right lane, so I went around them and went onto the left lane (one way street), and there was a knocking on the right of the car.  Tim was at the ROC with the teens, so I made it the two blocks there and parked.  I told Tim about it and he came out, looked at the engine, went into the ROC, and found out on a computer that the “belt tensioner” had broken.  I stayed awhile and talked to the teens and Tim, and then took a taxi home.  The car stayed in the ROC parking lot for the weekend.


JUNE 23, 2013 – A VERY FULL DAY!


This morning Tim picked me up for the St. Mark’s church service.  Pastor Werner had a very inspiring sermon again. Tim and I had a breakfast omelet at Hardee’s restaurant, and then he took me home (am not used to not having a car).  Today was the ROC Youth Center Golf Outing, golf at 3 pm, and the dinner at 7 pm at the Watertown Country Club.  Sue, Tim’s wife, collected me after working at Harry & David’s in Johnson’s Creek.  We went to her and Tim’s home so that she could change clothes, and then we went to the Country Club for the dinner.  Tim, Steve, and Tom played golf together, and met us there; also Joanne and Jerry Brandt.  Before the dinner, they gave awards for golfing, “silent auction” results, and also there were five ROC teens there who told all the crowd of people what they life about the ROC.  It was wonderful to hear how the ROC has helped them in their lives.  All of us partook of the delicious food which God provided for us (Steve treated me to the dinner, which he did for both Dad and me at the yearly golf outings and dinners.  Thank you, Steve!).  I always look forward to the barbecued ribs, and I was not disappointed.  After the dinner Sue, Tim, and I went to Julie and Tom’s home where Megan, Timmy’s wife, was helping Julie after she got home from the hospital with little Annabelle.  It was great to see Julie, Megan, and all of the children (Addie, Amelia, Annabelle, little Timmy, and Will (their baby born January 31st, 2013), and visit with them too.  Then Tim took me home after a full but happy day!  Thank you, Sue and Tim, from the bottom of my heart for all of your help.




Dick, my beloved husband, always said, “The Lord Will Provide!”  How true that is!  This afternoon I had a late lunch, and I heard a lawn mower.  Thinking it sounded close, I looked out and there was Tim mowing the lawn!  He is like the Energizer Bunny – he just goes, and goes, and goes!  “And here is the rest of the story”, as Paul Harvey used to say on the radio.  He drove his Durango over for me to drive!  He had brought a bicycle along to ride back home (way on the other side of town), but decided to drive the old truck back.  I drove the truck when the car had to have repair work done awhile back, but Tim said work has to be done on what I think he said is the turning of the key to start it.  Last time I used the truck I had to turn the key with a pliers.  Oh, shades of Africa!  Thank you, Tim, for leaving the Durango.  I appreciate it so much, especially because my car cannot be worked on at Mel’s garage until Wednesday.




Our daughter, Sue Weiland, called from Merrill (where her husband, Jim, is pastor of Christ Lutheran), and said that they will be in this area on Thursday visiting some of their children in the Milwaukee area, and will collect me on Friday to take me back up with them to Merrill.  Their daughter, Laura (our youngest grandchild), is performing in “The Little Mermaid” (as Ariel’s sister) at the Grand Theater in Wausau, Wisconsin.  Dick and I saw her perform in “Oklahoma” together, and she was spectacular.  She is a wonderful singer, and is performing as the sister of the little mermaid.  I am looking forward to seeing and hearing her in the performance.




Family and friends received an e-mail from Julie, Tom, Addie, Amelia, and Annabelle which said that, thanks be to our Lord, Julie and Annabelle were coming home over the weekend.  Both are doing wonderful.  They invited everyone to “join us this Sunday as we celebrate before our Lord and Savior Annabelle Elizabeth Pasch becoming a blessed child of God in Holy Baptism.  We humbly thank Chris and Rebekah Mueller for accepting the honor of guiding Annabelle in her faith as sponsors.  Immediately following the service we invite you to join us for a small reception in the fellowship area in the back of the church.  Lunch and refreshments will be served.  Blessings on your day! – Date:  This Sunday, June 30th  Time:  10:45 service, reception at 12:00 in the fellowship area.  Location:  St. Mark’s Church, Watertown, Wisconsin.”  Thank you so very much for your kind invitation!




Dick and I are blessed with wonderful understanding children.  When the e-mail came from Julie, Tom, and children, saying that Annabelle, God willing, would be baptized on the same weekend as Laura’s play, our sweet daughter, Sue, knew that I would also like to be at the Baptism of our 33rd great grandchild .  She called and said that I could stay until Sunday for Annabelle’s Baptism and then ride with Chris and Bekah, Annabelle’s sponsors, from Watertown to Merrill, where Sue and Jim live, on the way back to Eagle River. I am excited about the Baptism, and also about seeing and hearing Laura in the play (when Laura’s Grandpa was so very ill, she sang a special song (while playing her guitar), “WALK WITH HIM” (JESUS), which she composed especially for him.  There is a copy of it, with pictures of Laura, in Album Number 105.  Our albums and memoirs are our legacies to our dear families).  ‘And we know that in all things God works for the god of those who love Him” – ROMANS 8;28.




Stephanie, our youngest daughter, and her husband, Jeff (Pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Cheyenne, Wyoming, came to visit their relatives and friends in Watertown.  Steph, Jeff, Tim, little Amelia (Julie and Tom’s daughter), and I had a wonderful visit and then we went to Culver’s for a delicious lunch (Dick and I loved to eat at Culver’s. When he would go to the counter and order a raspberry sundae for me, he would say, “Make it fit for MY queen!”  It brings tears to my eyes when I think of it.  We shared a raspberry sundae for dessert, and little Amelia loved it.  She was looking for more.  Tim and Amelia left after lunch because Tim went to serve his Lord at the ROC.  Steph, Jeff, and I drove to Johnson’s Creek to visit Tim’s wife, Sue, who works at Harry & David’s.  She gave us all samples of some of the delicious gourmet foods they sell there.  Then they took me to Kohl’s, not far from Harry & David’s where I got to buy some slacks and socks for a mere $2.00 because I had gift cards, a 30% discount card, and a Kohls’ card.  As Dick always said, ‘THE LORD WILL PROVIDE!”  That is so true!  Steph asked that we go to visit her dear Dad’s resting place at The Lutheran Cemetery on the north side of Watertown.  It made me very happy that they wanted to go there.  We also visited my parents’, brother’s, grandparents’, sister’s, and her and her husband’s  three babies’ resting places.  I asked Steph and Jeff if they would like to go to Julie and Tom’s home to visit Julie, Tom, Addie, Amelia, and their baby, “Annabelle Elizabeth”, born on June 19th.  They live very near the Lutheran Cemetery.  They wanted to do that, and we found the whole family home.  They were all so happy to see us, and Steph and Jeff held Annabelle, and oooohed and aaaahed over her.  Thank you, Steph and Jeff, for coming!  Hope you had as blessed time with me as I had with you.  God bless you!




Matthew Ryan Mueller, Sr., called our home and told me that Matthew Ryan Mueller, Jr. was born at 2:55 PM today!  He weighed 7 lbs. 7 oz., and he and his mother, Holly, are doing fine, thanks to our loving Lord.  What blessed news!  I told Matt how happy, elated, and thankful I am!  I also told him that Matthew was born on his great great grandparents’, Pastor and Mrs. Richard William Mueller, Sr.’s wedding anniversary day, and also his great great grandmother, Mrs. Mueller, Sr.’s birthday!  He is a little miracle from heaven!  Thank you, dear God, for all of your bountiful blessings!




How can we ever thank our loving Lord for all of the things He does for us?  It’s impossible, but we can try.  Little Matt, Jr. was born before Annabelle’s Baptism on June 30th when her sins are washed away and eternal salvation is hers. Also, Matt’s sins, shortly after his birth, were washed away and eternal salvation is his   Today, June 30th, Sue and Tim’s entire family and many others attended the 10:45 AM service at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Watertown, Wisconsin, for the Baptism of Annabelle and the Affirmation. Our son, Tim, took care of the Baptism and Affirmation very wonderfully.  Tears came to my eyes when I thought of my sweet Honey not sitting next to me, but I know that he is in heaven with Jesus.  He is actually seeing and hearing Him!  That gives me great comfort!  After the service there were pictures taken, and then all of us went into the parish center to eat the delectable food which was served.  I enjoyed myself getting acquainted with Matt, Jr., who I hadn’t seen before.  All of the great grandchildren are such great gifts from God.  Dick always said to people we visited as we left, “Have a blessed day!” –  it surely was!




On the way home from Sue and Tim’s home after their families went there from St. Mark’s, I stopped to go to the Golden Living Center.  Dick and I used to go there with a list (from Professor Birsching at St. Mark’s) of residents to visit, and we always enjoyed doing that.  Dick would have very welcome devotions with them, and both of us would visit with them for awhile.  Our neighbor, Marlene Weber, is there for therapy after having a hip operation at the hospital, and Lucille Thrams (wife of Professor James Thrams), is also there.  I had good visits with them, thanking God for the good care He is giving them. They were very happy to see me.  I had gone to parochial school with both of them; in fact, Lucille (Huebner) and I were two of the triplets in a play which was performed at St. Mark’s.  Jim, her husband, was a schoolmate of Dick and me at Northwestern Prep/College, and was also a professor at NWC when our children attended school there.


(JULY-2013) PEBBLES FROM THE ROC          "Giving without seeing or knowing – AMAZING!"  These were words spoken by an unchurched teen as He realized how so many of you give from your heart to THE ROC without having seen the teens who attend.  What a wonderful opportunity we had to share with that teen and many others that it is because of God’s AMAZING Grace.  We thank our Lord for his undeserved love in Christ, our Savior, which flows from your hearts in support of our ROC Youth Center. 

     The ANNUAL ROC (Watertown Recreation & Outreach Center for Youth) RUMMAGE AND BAKE SALE is ALMOST HERE.  It is scheduled for July 18-20 (Thu. &  Fri. 8-5 and Sat. 8�12:00) at the TSL (Trinity/St. Luke’s) gym on Western Avenue . Donations will be accepted 7/14-Sunday (12-5), 7/15-Monday (8-5) and 7/16-Tuesday (8-12).  Please use gym doors off the playground.  See you soon as we together help fund THE ROC Youth Center.  Please call Ruth Uttech (920-261-6772,, Pam Erdman (920-261-9674,, or Joyce Zwieg (920-253-6788) with any questions or to volunteer for help moving tables, receiving and set up and working the sale.


July 18, 19, 20, 2013ROC Rummage Sale (see above for details)

August 16+17, 2013 – Glenn’s Market Brat Stand – "Brat of the Week – Packer Brat"

August 31, 2013 – Pick ‘n Save Brat Fry




Our youngest grandchild, Laura Weiland, is performing in “The Little Mermaid” at the Grand Theater in Wausau, Wisconsin.  Dick and I had seen her singing in the musical “Les Miserables” last year.  She does so well, and we thank our loving God for giving her the talents to perform in those well-known movies depicted in musicals.  I am so looking forward to hearing her and seeing her and other loved ones in the Weiland family. The day after the Baptism of Annabelle and the Affirmation of Matthew, Jr., Bekah, Chris, and Emma Mueller kindly offered to take me to Wildwood, Sue and Jim Weiland’s beautiful lake home.  On the way we stopped at McDonalds to grab a bite to eat.  It overjoyed me that Chris and Bekah were so interested in the mission work Chris’s dear Grandpa and I did of bringing the Word of God to lost souls in Africa.  They asked question after question which I was happy to answer.  Their little Emmaline is so beautiful and tries to talk now.  They dropped me with my “katundu” at Wildwood, and went on to Eagle River, Wisconsin.  Before we headed to Merrill, Sue and I went for a wonderful swim in the lake.  It was fun swimming out to their raft and back.  Also we paddled around the lake in their paddleboat.  We had little time at Wildwood because we had to get back to Merrill and get ready to go to Wausau to see Laura perform in “The Little Mermaid”.  Jim’s parents also attended.  It was great to see them again.  Laura played the part of “Aquata”, one of the mermaid’s sisters.  She looked so pretty, and sang beautifully.  The whole musical was spectacular!  After the performance, people (including the cast), gathered in the huge hallway, took pictures, got autographs, etc.  Laura autographed my program.  After the performance, Sue, Jim, and I went to “Cherry Berry”, and indulged in absolutely “impossible to describe” sundaes.  The whole cast (not in costumes anymore) was there, so Laura asked them to autograph my program which they very graciously did.  We went back to Sue and Jim’s home in Merrill for a good night’s sleep after a very blessed day!  Thank you, Weilands (Sue, especially, for arranging everything so that I could come for Laura’s performance), for your very kind hospitality.




Sue took me as far as Portage where we met another wonderful daughter of ours, Debbie Wilson, who was going to take me back home to Watertown.  There she stood next to the Dairy Queen, where Sue had arranged to meet her, when Sue drove up.  We were overjoyed to see her.  She, Sue, and I had a delicious ice cream cone, and then Debbie and I had to leave Sue so she could head back to Merrill.  Sue and Jim had asked me to stay longer, but Debbie had told me that she would take me to Christberg cemetery (outside of Jefferson) so that we could check and trim Dick’s Mom and Dad’s resting places.  I had wanted to go there for a long time.  Debbie had brought all the paraphernalia we would need to do that.  After we did that, we went up the hill where I showed Debbie Missionary Ernst and Mrs. Betty (Jungkuntz) Wendland, their son, John (who was killed in a car crash while attending school at Northwestern College when his parents were in Africa), and Betty’s Jungkuntz relatives’ resting places.  Dick and I would do that too when we went to attend his parent’s graves.  There are so many names on the gravestones which I recognize because the people wee members of Dick’s father’s church, St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, in Jefferson.  When I go to the Lutheran Cemetery (where my beloved husband is laid to rest) in Watertown, there are so many names on gravestones of people we knew – my many St. Mark’s relatives, pastors, professors, teachers,, friends, and all of their families.  Someday we will be with our loved ones in heaven with Jesus!  Debbie then drove me back to Watertown.  Thank you, Debbie, for collecting me in Portage and bringing me back home.  God has blessed us with very loving and giving children.




Our son, Tim, surprised me with fixing my dryer and setting up my computer so that I could again click Facebook and Google. There was only one place on the dryer to where I could turn the switch to and it would work.  So Tim had ordered a new switch and put it in while I was gone!  Joy!  Joy!  Joy!  I was so happy and thankful that it was fixed.  It works like a dream now!  Not only that, I can now get Facebook and Google again on the computer.  More joy!  I like to keep in contact with our many children (6), spouses, grandchildren (20), spouses, great grandchildren (34), and friends who do not all use e-mail or snail mail.  Thank you, Tim, from the bottom of my heart for being a true gift from our dear Lord!




There is always a big parade in Watertown, so at 10:00 AM Tim (Sue had to work), Joanne and Jerry Brandt, Julie, Tom, Addie, Amelia, Annabelle, and I found a place along Labaree Street (going to Riverside Park) and watched the parade.  The parade lineup (130 listed in the Watertown Daily Times) consisted of veterans, trucks, horses, bands, etc. to help celebrate Independence Day.  The weather was absolutely fantastic, thanks to our loving Lord.  After the parade we went to McDonalds for lunch which was enjoyable too.  Julie and Tom invited us to their beautiful home for a delicious meal (with barbecue ribs which I love) and a cake with candles to celebrate Joanne Brandt’s 73rd birthday. Pictures were taken as everyone sang “Happy Birthday” to Joanne.  She blew the candles out on the cake, and gifts were given to her.  Tom then preceded the Watertown fireworks at Riverside Park with his own private showing of fireworks in their very nice backyard (overlooking a cornfield). We watched the Riverside Park fireworks, which are visible from their home, as we ate delicious S’mores which Tim had concocted over Julie and Tom’s barbecue pit for all of us.  All in all, it was another fun day!  Thank you, God, for all of your blessings!




This morning it rained quite heavily, and I thought that I might not go to Augie’s Elite Cooking Show at the Watertown City Hall.  By noon the sun came out, so I got ready to go to the show at 1:00 PM, and did!  It turned out that there weren’t many people there (probably because of the weather), so three other of my dear husband’s and my friends were chosen by Augie to go up to the Chef’s Table.  Augie is on live TV, and he cooked Grilled Pork Chops in Peaches and Pecan Sauce, Craveable Hawaiian Punch Baked Rice, and Sauteed Carrots and Leeks.  He heaped our plates with delicious food, and placed a plate in front of each of us!  All of us enjoyed the food so much!  I could eat only about half of it, and took the rest of it home in a “doggie bag” to enjoy later.  It was the first time I had been at the Chef’s Table without Dick or Sue, Tim, or any of their grownup children.  I was with friends of ours.  As Dick always said, “The Lord Will Provide”! 




Julie Pasch (Sue and Tim’s daughter) called and asked if I wanted to come over to her parent’s home, have lunch, swim, and visit with them.  I said “Sure, that would be great!”  Julie, Tom, Jenny, Kevin, Holly, Matt, and their ten children (two born in June) were there.  I swam in the pool with some of the children, but not too long because the temperature these days is in the 90s.  The girls prepared a delicious lunch of open face sandwiches and a peanut butter dessert.  I had a lot of fun.  Thank you all for inviting me!





The picnic which the OWLS had planned to take place at Riverside was changed to St. Mark’s Parish Hall because of the extreme heat.  We were asked to bring a “dish to pass”, so last night I made a Macaroni Salad, the recipe of which was given to me by Linda Conover (who also goes to Augie’s Cooking Show). 




Three of our great grandchildren have birthdays in July and August.  Jonah Poston’s 8th birthday is July 22. 2013, Addie Pasch’s 4th birthday is August 1st, and Tyler Poston’s 4th birthday is August 20th.  Since all of the families are “super busy”, the Postons and the Pasch’s sent out invitations to “celebrate all the kiddo summer birthdays” together.  Joanne and Jerry Brandt were kind enough to let me “hitch” a ride with them from Watertown to Flabbergast in Sussex, a “fun play place (indoor) for the kids”.  There was another group of kids (about 90 of them) running and playing in all the inflatable huge slides, etc.  We waited awhile until the families showed up, and were let in through the locked door.  You should have seen those great grandkids go!  It didn’t take them long and they were melting right in with the rest of the kids.  The exit doors are also locked so they cannot get out unless allowed to, which is a good thing these days.  There were chairs and tables where adults with babies and older adults could sit down, if they wanted to, and enjoy refreshments from a concession stand. Later we went to a Subway which was near to have supper, and then were invited to the Postons’ home for birthday cake, ice cream, and opening of gifts.  The birthday children had special delicious birthday cakes made for them by their mothers  They also had “Happy birthday to you,” and “God’s blessings to you” sung to them by everyone, just as we did with their wonderful great grandfather, my loving husband, Dick, before he went to his heavenly home.  They received great gifts, and their faces were lit up with joy!  Sue and Tim gave me a ride back to Watertown so that I could collect my car from their home and wend my way home back to our cozy condo.  Thank you, Postons and Pasches, for inviting me to the cousin birthday party, and thank you, Brandts and Muellers for giving me a ride there and back.  God bless all of you!




The reunion was held at Luther Prep.  I was invited, but wasn’t sure I would go because my dear husband would not be with me, but decided to go.  There were pastors, teachers, and staff ministers invited, and of course, their wives.  When Dick and I would attend, there would be many familiar faces, but now many of those souls have gone to their eternal home  (even as Dick has), and others are too sick or weak to attend.  I sat with two of our Northwestern schoolmates and their wives. There were some others I knew and talked to.  The speaker was Carol Gronholz, who had been to Malawi and taught Bible stories to children.  The Lasagna meal was delicious and so were the desserts.




Our granddaughter, Jenny, and her husband, Kevin (Poston), asked if eight-year-old Jonah, one of their five children, could come and spend the night with me.  Joshua, his brother, was invited to a “sleep-over” at a friend’s home in Watertown and Jonah came here to have a “sleep-over”.  I was overjoyed when they dropped Jonah off.  He doesn’t talk much, but by the end of the visit, he became more talkative.  I got out my metal detector, threw some coins into the grass, and let him find them with the detector.  He loved that, even as other children would crowd around me whenever I went metal detecting years ago in parks, school playgrounds, beaches, etc.  I usually went while my dear husband was very busy getting sermons, prayers, bulletins, etc, ready for services.  Sometimes Dick and I would go together.  It’s great exercise – up, down, up, down, etc. (I also took grandchildren, including Jonah’s mother, brothers, and sister with me when they were children.  We had fun!).   Also I showed Jonah a full size African-made wooden  “mtondo” (holder for corn –maize) and a “munsi” (pounder for maize) which is in our living room.  Jonah and I showed his mom, dad, and brother how two women stand on two sides of it with their hands holding the munsi, singing while they pound the corn in the mtondo into mealie-meal which they cook until very thick and eat.  During Dick’s African lectures, he would show a slide of two women doing this.  He would quote the Bible passage:  Matthew 24:41 – “Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.”  Verse 42 says, “Watch therefore, for ye know not what hour your Lord shall come.”  It was great to have Jonah visit me, and later Josh and their Mom and Dad.  




PEBBLES FROM THE ROC          What a wonderful day we all had at the Golf Outing for THE ROC on Sunday, June 23rd.  The weather was beautiful and the fellowship was greatly enjoyed by all.  Five high school teens shared their thoughts about why they think THE ROC is such a blessing.  Their strong feelings about THE ROC touched the hearts of those who attended.  The Gospel of our Savior, taught and proclaimed at THE ROC, has touched hundreds of teen hearts over the TEN years THE ROC has been open.  Thank you to everyone who worked so hard on the event and all those who donated to make it successful.  After matching funds have been received, the amount for THE ROC from the golf outing should be close to $10,000.   Future events for THE ROC include a Brat Fry on Friday and Saturday, August 16th and 17th, at Glenn’s Brat Haus (722 W. Main Street), 10:00-3:00 both days and another Brat Fry at Pick ‘N Save on Saturday, August 31st.  Any adults who would like to help with either or both Brat Frys are asked to call (206-9581 or 261-4444) or e-mail ( Pastor/Director Mueller.  We truly need the help.  Everyone is invited to stop by for lunch at the Brat Stands.  Thank you.




What a day I had!  This afternoon our son, Steve, came to visit me.  He couldn’t stay long, much to my chagrin, but we did have a very blessed visit.  He said he and his wife, Melody, would come soon to visit me, so I was happy to hear that.  Watertown has its Riverfest celebration every year at Riverside Park.  When Ma, Pa, my sisters, brother, and I lived at 911 North Fourth Street, we would walk across the bridge, turn right on Labaree Street, would be at the park, and go on the holiday carnival rides. Tim was already at Riverside Park because he and some of the ROC teens were serving 7-Up and other sodas to the people. I went to the park with Sue, Jenny, Kevin, Julie, Tom, and their eight children.  What a huge crowd of people there was!  Grandpa Tim, Grandma Sue, and the parents were so organized that they wouldn’t lose any of the children.  Some of the smaller ones could just walk off into the crowd.  We ate at a picnic table, and then we went on some of the rides.  Julie asked if I wanted to go on the Merry-Go-Round.  Was she kidding – no!  I told her that I wanted to go on the Tilt-A-Whirl and Ferris Wheel. Jenny and little 6-year-old Conner went on the Tilt-A-Whirl with me, and Tim and I went on the Ferris Wheel.  We had so much fun!  Way on top of the Ferris Wheel it was awesome to see all of the people and so many beautiful lights.  After that we went to Julie and Tom’s home and watched the fireworks from their wonderful deck.  There is a cornfield in front of it, the corn is not so tall yet, so we had a wonderful ringside seat.  I never saw such a spectacular display of fireworks in all of my life.  Thank you all for such a blessed and great day!




Sue and Tim went up to Eagle River, Wisconsin, to visit their son, Chris, his wife, Bekah, and little Emma (almost one year old).  I met Jenny, Kevin, Julie, Tom, and their children at St. Mark’s Church.  Pastor Michael Jensen conducted the service and also preached the sermon.  The sermon text was on 3 John 2-8.  The theme was:  “Our Great Joy” – 1.  Faithfulness to the Truth.   2.  Walking in the Truth.  I donated the bulletins for today in memory of my loving husband.  This is what it said in the bulletin:  “BULLETIN SPONSOR:  Irene Mueller is sponsoring the bulletins in memory of her husband, Pastor Richard William Mueller, Jr. in honor of what would have been their 60th wedding anniversary on June 7th.  (This message was inadvertently omitted from the bulletin in June.) “   Pastor Jensen had a special anniversary prayer for us, and also asked the Lord to give me strength to live the rest of my life on this earth.  I appreciated that so much, and he told me after the service, he had the prayer in the service which I attended.  I didn’t expect that, so it was a nice surprise.  Julie, Tom, and I also partook of communion after the service.  It was another blessed day, and I thank God for it.  Later Jenny, Kevin, and the children stopped at our condo and brought me gifts of two venison roasts from Bekah, Chris, Emma, and a zucchini and two cucumbers from them which they grew in their garden.  Thank you!  I am looking forward to enjoying everything.  God bless you! 




When I read the Watertown Daily Times on August 13th, who should I see in a beautiful picture of children doing various contests at Riverfest but Tyler and Jonah Poston, two of our great grandsons, fishing on the island at Riverside Park!  The caption beneath the picture reads:  “Tyler Poston, 3, looks to his older brother, Jonah Poston, 8, for affirmation after he successfully cast his fishing line into the Rock River for the first time during Saturday morning’s Carp Classic at Riverfest”. 




“Conner or Tyler caught a carp.  The other one got his line tangled all around it.  So they both got credit for that one.  Tyler caught a little bluegill.  Josh and Kevin cooperated on throwing a fishing pole across the channel in two pieces.  Fortunately, no one was injured in the process, though the handle came close to a craft fair browser.  Fun times!  Kevin”




Dick and I always went to Glenn’s Market to have lunch of a delicious grilled hamburger or Packer or Sheboygan brat.  Tim, his wife, Sue, and ROC staff, volunteers, and youth helped serve the many people who came. On Friday I ate with Sue and Linda Stark and Sandy Radloff (who work in the St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church office).  On Saturday Joanne and Jerry Brandt helped too when it was especially busy.  I could not believe the long lines when I arrived.  Julie, Tom, Addie, Amelia, and Annabel came, so I enjoyed eating with them.  Tim took out a few minutes to come and talk to us, but it didn’t take long and we heard, “PT” (abbreviation of Pastor Tim which the ROC youth call him), we need you.”  It was a very busy two days for the dear people who helped make the ROC Brat Fry a success!  God bless all of you. 




This Sunday I attended the Summer Mission Festival service with Sue and Tim.  Pastor Nathan Strutz was the guest preacher. The sermon text was: John 21:1-6 and the theme: “Celebrate God’s Indirect Blessings”.   Pastor Strutz is the pastor of Resurrection Lutheran Church in Verona, Wisconsin.  His sermon was very interesting.  Joanne and Jerry Brandt sat in front of us with a friend, Fay Ann Mekelburg, who they bring with them to church services.  She lives in a nursing home.  Toward the end of the service, she passed out and the EMS was called.  They took her to the hospital and she is doing as well as can be expected now at her home.  We thank God for His loving kindness.  I was invited to Sue and Tim’s home for a delicious lunch.  Megan, Tim, little Timmy, and baby William were there too.  I hadn’t seen them for awhile, so it was a real blessing to be with all of them.  I had a great time playing with both children – with Timmy in the above- ground swimming pool too.  Tim (Timmy’s Grandpa) threw his grandson into the air just like Dick used to throw him, his brothers, and sisters into the air in the swimming pools so many years ago.  What fond memories I have of my loving husband!




Today at 7:30 A.M. Julie had a hernia repair operation, and is home and doing well.  She did say on Facebook that it was very painful, even more painful than the Caesarians sections she had when her three babies were born.  I had a hernia operation in Africa, and that was very painful too.  We are thankful to our loving God that He kept her safe..  Sue and Tim were taking care of the children, so I went to their home to see what I could do to help.  I tried to entertain the children and had fun!


When they went down for naps, I left and went to the Aquatic Center for some exercise.  It was almost 90 degrees, and the Center was full of people!  All of the lounge chairs were taken, but I did find a chair.  It was great to be there, but try to swim – impossible!  There is a fifteen minute break from 2:00-2:15 for people over 18, so that meant me, right?  I couldn’t believe how empty the pool became.  I wish I had a video camera when all of those children went back into the water – they were waiting and ready to go on the sides of the pool.  There were three busloads of children there all having a great time like I did.  Can you imagine, I swam in the very same place where the old swimming pool used to be when I went there with my sisters and friends years ago?  People come from all over.  I met two women from Fort Atkinson.  One of them said that there is a nice pool there, but not as nice as Watertown’s Aquatic Center.  We are blessed!  I was there for a couple of hours and then headed home.




Today I also went to the Aquatic Center.  It was very hot again, and I was told that the Center will close on Sunday.  I thought I might not find a parking place (cars were parked far away from the Center), but a car pulled out just as I came up to the center parking lot.  I walked around and couldn’t find a chair or a lounge chair, but a kind lady said they had three lounge chairs and offered one to me.  There are so many wonderful people in this world.  Again the pool was full of happy children and adults, so I had a really enjoyable couple of hours.  Tomorrow the weatherman says it won’t be as hot, so perhaps I will catch up on some of my snail mail correspondence. 




Mr. Todd Morris, one of the ROC volunteers, asked me to come especially to the ROC on Saturday, the 24th of August for “Talk Time”, which is from 6:00-6:30 PM.  Mr. Morris was there, also his daughter, Cassie, his grandparents from Tennessee, and their little great grandchild, Kayla.  Our son, Tim, conducts the “Talk Times”.  He told about how Adam and Eve had sinned in the Garden of Eden; how God punished them for their sin, how all of us sin, and deserve nothing but punishment.  Then he asked me to come up in front and asked me what I gave him.  I told him “Sin!”  He had four cans of an energy drink actually called “Sin” and gave me one.  During his “Talk Time” he gave out the other three cans he had when three teens answered questions about sin.  We are all lost in sin, but Tim said that believing in Jesus, who saved us from our sins by dying on the cross, we will go to heaven to live in eternal glory with Him. Brandon Simmons, one of the teens, video-taped the talk for Channel 98, a local TV channel, and it was so very interesting.  Brandon wrote down all the “Talk Time” talks – when they would be on TV.  Thank you so much, Brandon.  And thank you, Tim, for being “a chip off the old block” (your dear loving father).




Pioneer Park – I hadn’t been there since my sweet Dick hadn’t felt well there, was so sick in Sun Prairie on the way home that the Manager of the McDonalds where we had gone to eat, called the EMS because Dick nearly fell on the way to the men’s rest room.  If Tim hadn’t seen it and held him, gently sitting him down, he could have been hurt.  The EMS called, checked him, and said that they wanted to take him to the hospital in Baraboo.  They said that we could take him to Watertown if we went straight to the hospital.  He had two IVs in the Watertown Hospital and then felt quite well, so he could go home. Thank you, God! That was the last time I was at Pioneer Park.  It was good to be back, remembering the 30 years of happy memories Dick and I had with our children, spouses, and families.  The temperature was in the 90s, and it was wonderful swimming with Sue and Tim in the beautiful pool again.  We could only stay until Tuesday because Tim had a ROC meeting Monday night.  Monday he wanted to take me for a speedboat ride.  We went to Lake Delton, and we went around the lake once, but the second time around the boat clunked out. The engine had been repaired (the boat is very old) and was working, but there we sat in the middle of the lake in 90 degree weather.  Tim tried and tried to get it going, but nothing.  I saw a white rag lying on the floor, so I picked it up and waved it at a passing boat.  The family, a man, woman, and two daughters, turned out to be so helpful.  They towed us to the launching place.  The marina where the boat had been repaired was a little further down the lake, and Tim ROWED it there with one oar!  After about a half an hour a person at the marina towed us back to the launching place, we went back to Pioneer Park, picked up Sue and our “katundu”, and got safely home to Watertown.  Thank you, Sue and Tim for taking me to Pioneer Park and back.  Thank you, Tim, for the great boat ride!  It was wonderful!




Our three daughters, Debbie Wilson, Susie Weiland, and Stephanie Heitsch go every year for “sisterly bonding” wherever Steph’s job in Cheyenne, Wyoming, takes her.  She is the “Injury Prevention Coordinator for the United Medical Center and the State Coordinator for Safe Kids, Wyoming”.  It could be anywhere in the United States (as it has been), and this year the Convention was in Albuquerque, New Mexico.   All six of our “children” are seasoned travelers, a carry-over from our 15 years as missionaries in Zambia and Malawi, Africa.  Debbie called on August 28th, and said that they were staying at the Hyatt Tamaya Resort in Albuquerque.  She also said that they had gone up in the Sandia Peak Aerial Tramway (the world’s longest aerial tramway).  I looked it up on Google, and it says that it “transports you above canyons and breathtaking terrain, a distance of 2.7 miles”.  I watched the video.  It takes 13.21 minutes for the tram ride.  It was almost like I was in that tram – WOW, WHAT A RIDE!  When they got back to Wisconsin, Debbie wrote an e-mail and said “that they had a long day of travel home with a long layover in Denver”.  I am thankful to our loving God that all three of them are back home safe with their husbands, children, and grandchildren.




The day started out very cool.  I was going to take some brush I had collected out to the Watertown yard waste when the phone rang.  It was Joshua, oldest son of Jenny and Kevin Poston.  They were at Jenny’s parents, Sue and Tim, and Joshua asked if I wanted to come over and swim in their above-ground pool.  I said “yes”, but first I had to take the brush to the yard waste.  I packed up my swimming bag and went to Sue and Tim’s beautiful home to swim.  Sue had to work, but Tim was there with all seven of the Postons.  The five children swam, but it was too cool and cloudy for me.  We had a delicious lunch, and would you believe it, after we ate, the sun came out!  Again all of the others swam, including Tim.  It got warmer, so I could not resist it – I had to go into that pool!  We had such a great time!  Thank you, everyone, for making my day!!!!  And thank you, God, for the beautiful sunny warm afternoon!




PEBBLES FROM THE ROC          “In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” (James 2:17)  First comes God’s grace and the Gospel (Good News) of Christ, our Savior, then faith and then actions or works.  We keep this order in mind every day at THE ROC and every day we see how it works.  As we proclaim Christ as the only Savior from sin, we rejoice as we see faith in action.  How happy we were, for example as seventeen teens (a record) showed up to volunteer at RiverFest with serving soda and how eager they are to volunteer to help spread wood chips at Tivoli Island or cook and serve at Brat Frys.  What a joy it is when every day teens from the past stop and share how much they appreciated THE ROC and what they heard and saw there.  Thanks be to God for His grace which produces faith which willingly produces works – to God be the glory.  This year we celebrate ten years of God’s grace on THE ROC.  Celebrate with us!

            Many hours of hard work were put in by so many at the ROC Rummage Sale which again raised close to $10,000 for THE ROC.  We were overwhelmed by the many items donated and the many hours given.  Some literally gave hundreds of volunteer hours.  Thank you so much!  




“Dear loved ones,


Yesterday, September 7th, my dear husband (for almost 60 years) would have celebrated his 84th birthday.  I know that brought back many memories for you too of the great times we had when we were surprised with those memorable surprise birthday parties for both of us.  Last year on his 83rd birthday we were surprised when we were brought to the St. Mark’s parish hall for a totally different reason.  Yes, we were totally surprised when the door was opened and we saw all those happy, loving, faces looking at us and saying, “Surprise!  Surprise!”  When Dad (Grandpa, Great Grandpa) talked to all of you, he always had the right words, didn’t he – and he did then too!


I miss his voice, and everything about him, and I know that you do too.  He was God’s precious gift to all of us, and I thank God for him.  On his birthday this year he has the celebration of life eternal glory in heaven.  He is living with Jesus, and singing with the angels.  As is engraved on our gravestone at the Lutheran Cemetery outside of Watertown, “HEAVEN IS OUR HOME’.  And as is engraved on Dick’s parent’s gravestone at Christberg east of Jefferson, “GOD’S WILL BE DONE!”


Thank you for your telephone calls, e-mails, and facebook messages.  God’s richest blessings and much love, Mom, Grandma, Great Grandma, Sister, Friend”




Our oldest daughter, Debbie Wilson, came to Watertown to visit me along with her daughter, Nicki, Nicki’s daughter, Cassie (who attends Luther Prep (formerly Northwestern Prep), Aubrey, and Brayden (Debbie and Glen’s youngest son, Mark, and his dear wife, Jamie’s, children).  Debbie called me to go shopping with them, but I had just gotten home when she called, after being “on the go” all morning, so I took a rain-check on that.  They collected me around supper-time, and all of us went to Culver’s restaurant.  I had a delicious Butterburger which Dick used to order for me (along with a mouth-watering sundae “fit for MY queen”).  It was a blessing to be with all of them!



At 6:00 a.m. Sue, our daughter-in-law, and Tim, our son, collected me at our home.  They were going to Eagle River, Wisconsin, to visit their son, Chris, his wife, Bekah, and Emmaline.  Also, Tim was going deer hunting with Chris.  The leaves on the trees are not turning colors yet, but we had a very nice trip.


Sue and Jim were at home after helping clean up along the highways all morning.  After lunch they were busy, so I decided to go outdoors because it was a glorious day and pick ripe tomatoes and peppers in the garden.  There sure were a lot of them.  God blessed that little garden!   Sue and I cut the tomatoes and peppers up so that she could make Salsa out of them later.  We had a delicious “brat fry” around the fire in the evening.  Before it was dark sweet Laura polished my fingernails which had gotten a little chipped from picking the vegetables.  Later her boyfriend, Matthew Pfantz, came to visit.  They “make beautiful music together”.  Both of them sing and play the guitar and piano.  It was a joy to listen to them!  Both of them are very talented.  The next morning we attended the church service and Bible Class at Christ Lutheran.  I had been looking forward to hearing Jim preach, and was not disappointed.  The SERMON TEXT was Luke 11:5-13.  The SERMON THEME:  “Let Your Every Prayer Be A Bold Prayer” – I.  Don’t be afraid to ask for great things.  II.   Don’t be surprised when you receive great blessings.  There was also a very interesting Bible Class – how we can make our churches inviting.  We had a delicious lunch, and in the evening there was a “Fish Fry” and fellowship with some of the members.   Becky, Pat, and Gabe came to it too, and it was great to see them.  Gabe attends St. Peter’s Lutheran parochial school in Schofield, Wisconsin, and told me all about many Bible stories, in detail, with much animation. The next day, Monday, we went to Wildwood Lake (where Sue and Jim have a lake home), and Sue and Tim came to collect me.  Thank you for a VERY blessed time with you, Sue, Jim, and family.  God bless you! 




Today at 12:45 p.m. Debbie Wilson, our oldest daughter came from Colgate, Wisconsin, to go with me to St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran church, Watertown, Wisconsin (where I attend), to the Rock River Area Owls fall rally to hear Pastor Mark Jeske, pastor at St. Marcus Lutheran Church (WELS) in Milwaukee speak on the topic:  “Discovering And Using Your Spiritual Gifts”.  He is the host pastor of the very popular “Time of Grace” television ministry.  Debbie, her husband, and family are very active in serving God, so I was very happy she came.  Both of us enjoyed the presentation very much.  It made older (not old) people like me think of what we can do to be a blessing to others (especially to our loved ones); that we have a profound purpose for living – to declare God’s power to the next generation.  We do that until He takes us to continue praising Him before the heavenly throne. Both Debbie and I know a lot of people who attended, so we had a very fruitful and enjoyable time.  Thank you so much for coming, Debbie!




Lois Jenswold, whose husband, John, also went to heaven called me by phone.  She was very excited because she had just read an article written by our youngest granddaughter, Laura Weiland (whose father, James Weiland, is Pastor of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in Merrill, Wisconsin, and mother, Susan, is one of four of our six children who was born in Africa.  Laura is a senior at Northland Lutheran High School in Mosinee, Wisconsin).  The article is in the October issue of FORWARD IN CHRIST.  Mr. Jenswold was a well-liked teacher for many years at St. Mark’s School.  Some of our children were his pupils.  Lois sent the article to me which arrived in the mail on September 17th.  Lois said the article brought her to tears, and it brought me to tears too.  It is titled, “Good-bye, Grandpa – Grandparents are special people, and they have many lessons to teach us when the Lord takes them home, etc,” The article is from Laura’s heart and full of love for her Grandpa.  Thank you, sweet Laura.




Sue and Tim’s son, Timothy Peter Mueller 2’s 32nd birthday was September 19th, so his birthday was being celebrated.  The family gathered together for a delectable dinner at 12:00.  It consisted of pork, baked potatoes, salads, etc.  Of course, there was a delicious birthday cake and gifts for Tim to open.  We miss my sweet husband, Dad, Grandfather, Great Grandfather, and also Matthew, Holly, Lilly, and Matt, Jr. who are now living in Missoula, Montana, because Matt is vicaring at Mount Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church.  When they return to Mequon, Wisconsin, for his last year at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, he will graduate and be ordained as a Pastor.  The second birthday party was at 2:00 p.m. at Hidden Meadows off of CW.  Brigitte Lopez was celebrating her 70th birthday.  Dick and I met her when we attended Augie’s Elite Cuisine Cooking Show.  Many of her relatives were there, and also other friends of ours who come to the Show.  More great food was served, including a birthday cake.  I had a very enjoyable time, but our friends and I missed Dick a lot.  On the way back to town, I drove past the “farm” which my Kuckkahn (my father and three of his brothers changed the spelling of the name to (Kuckkan) ancestors had.  All the land now has houses built on it.  The farmhouse is still there, but none of the other buildings….sad!  Also I went to Walmart for some exercise (walking in a big circle a couple times which Dick and I used to do), especially after imbibing in so much good food, and purchase some things I had on a list.  That’s all, folks – time to go home!




Our son, Tim, was invited to preach at St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church at 10:30 a.m. – “in preparation for the 10th anniversary celebration of the Recreation and Outreach Center for Youth which will be held December 8th.  Mueller will speak on the comforting truth of the Gospel in hearts that are in turmoil.  His message will focus on the truth that “Jesus Comforts Troubled Hearts” based on John 14:1-6.”  When Thomas asked in verse 5:  “How can we know the way?”, Jesus answered, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.” We attended the service, and our Tim preached about troubled teen coming to the ROC, and are pointed to Jesus, who has suffered and died to save us all from our sins so that we can go to heaven to live eternally with Him.  Tim also preached that his father (my beloved husband), when he was very ill, said to him – “I am going to Jesus:  I will see Jesus!”   It brought tears to my eyes, and I am sure it did to others too.  Please pray for Tim, who is Pastor/Director of the ROC, and all of the many teens who have come (and will come) with their troubles for over 10 years, and have found Jesus!  Tim told me that he was going to preach at ST. MARK’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH ON OCTOBER 20TH, so that evening I wrote to our out-of-town “children”, spouses, and families, and asked them if they could come to that service so they could hear their brother preach about Jesus and the teens at the ROC. 


OCTOBER – “Teen Talk” – Good-bye, Grandpa


For a while, I just sat at my computer screen wondering how to start this article.  I don’t know where to begin.  I usually write my articles about other people and their faith strengthening experiences.  This was different because I wanted to write about my experience.  I decided that I’d just be honest and start from the beginning.

            MY GRANDPA, PASTOR RICHARD MUELLER, WAS ENJOYING HIS RETIREMENT  Then he was diagnosed with cancer, and his estimated life expectancy could have been as little as three months.  My entire family was devastated, of course, but the one person who wasn’t was my grandpa.  He refused all forms of treatment and wrote us e-mails every day comforting us.  My grandma often refers to my grandpa’s computer as his pulpit.  Though retired from the ministry, he never stopped sharing God’s Word.

When my grandpa was taken home to heaven to be with his heavenly Father, at the funeral I got to see just how many lives he had touched.  There were people from all around the country who had come to celebrate my grandpa’s "homecoming," if you will.  There were old friends, his extensive family, and even workers and greeters from the local Wal-Mart.  Everyone there had somehow been affected by my grandpa.


My grandpa was forever concerned about the young lady I was turning into.  Whether it was my newest boy interest or the amount of makeup I wore, Grandpa always had a say in the matter.  He always tried to keep my heart focused on Christ and what was important.  Even a week before he died, the last time I saw him alive, he held me close and told me not to be afraid because he would soon be home with Jesus.  He told me that he was like a dog pawing at his master’s door.  The dog doesn’t know what lies behind the door; all he knows is that behind the door waits his master and that’s where he so badly wants to be too.

My grandpa wouldn’t want anyone to be upset about him leaving this world, to him it wouldn’t make any sense.  I too don’t see much reason to be upset.  He is now with his master, Jesus, and is completely happy in his loving arms.

My grandpa’s death taught me that there is no reason to fear death.  "Where, O death, is your victory?  Where, O death, is your sting?"  (1 Corinthians 15:55).  I feel that this experience has made my faith so much stronger because it reminded me and my family how precious Jesus is.  He also taught us how to depend on God for help in our time of suffering.

I think that my grandpa would be proud to know that his death created such a fantastic ripple effect on our faiths.  Even though we miss him and we still may call his answering machine just to hear his voice, we know that it’s not really "good-bye."  It’s more of a "See you later."



This article by Laura Weiland, Pastor Richard W. Mueller, Jr.’s granddaughter, also appeared in the October WELS publication of FORWARD IN CHRIST.




Before the birthday party in honor of Sue, their family and I attended the St. Mark’s church service, and heard an awesome sermon by Pastor Karl Walther.  I am blessed to usually have someone with me in church, although it does happen when I am alone.  That is when I get very lonely for Dick, who was always at my side (except when he was serving the Lord as a full-time or part-time Pastor.  He served the Lord as long as he could, and as best as he could).  After the church service all of us headed to Sue and Tim’s home at 1411 Wedgewood Drive, Watertown.  The first thing we saw was a beautiful array of balloons which Tim had gotten for Sue.  The family (except Sue who was entertaining one of the many babies) was very busy in the kitchen.  Tim (and I think Jenny gave him a hand) prepared Sue’s favorite food:  Seafood Alfredo with garlic bread.  There also was Bruschetta, salad, sodas, and a delicious peanut butter (Dick loved peanut butter) dessert made by Jenny.  The meal was a “family team effort”, just as ours were years ago when our children were growing up, getting married, having children, and coming to our home for family get-togethers.  Sue blew out her 56 candle, and she opened many beautiful gifts. It was great being with everyone.  It seems that every time there is a get-together, the children have grown at least an inch!  Thank you for an awesome time!




Pastor Paul Kuckhahn is one of the Pastors of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church here in Watertown, Wisconsin.  Dick, my sister (Doloris), Dick’s sister (Helen), and I had all gone to Northwestern (now Luther Prep).  At that time there was a “Philip Kuckhahn” who also went there.  When my sister and I first met him, we wondered if we are relatives, since our maiden name is “Kuckkan” (my father and two of his brothers changed the spelling).  We thought we might be.  Our son-in-law, James Weiland, is Pastor of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in Merrill, so a lady by the name of “Ruth Krugler” wanted to meet with my husband and me.  She came to the parsonage, and we sat down together at a table discussing the Kuckhahns.  To make a long story short, she gave me “The Kuckhahn Family Tree” book.  Ruth is a descendant of Theodore Kuckhahn and his wife, Maria (Dallmann).  To top it off, Mr. Duane Polack (who was the Principal/Teacher of Christ Evangelical Lutheran School, Eagle River, Wisconsin, and now our grandson, Christopher Mueller, is in that position) is also a descendant of Theodore and Maria (Dallmann) Kuckhahn.  I borrowed the Family Tree to Pastor Paul Kuckhahn.  His name is in the book, although my sister, my relatives, and my names aren’t.  Paul’s relatives were members of St. Mark’s, and so was my Grandfather Carl, Johanna, his wife, and their twelve children, one of whom is my father, Henry.  It seems that Paul and I have different Great Grandfathers.  My Great Grandfather was “Johann David Kuckkahn” (a “k” instead of the “h”) who married “Wilhelmina Kuhlmann”.  They had five children, one of whom was my Grandfather, “Charles (Karl) Freidrick Ferdinand Kuckkahn”.  All of the Kuckhahns (Kuckkahns) settled in the Watertown, Wisconsin, area, and then some of them went up north to the Town of Berlin/Merrill area.  All were Lutherans and so are their descendants.


I collected “The Kuckhahn Family Tree” book from Paul, but before I go on, permit me to add something else about the “Kuckkan” family.  My cousin, George Kuckkan (our fathers are brothers) has a huge “Kuckkan Family Tree” book.  Dick and I borrowed it and asked if we could make copies, which he gave his permission to do.  Dick worked so hard making copies.  Both of us added to the book by going to the Watertown Public Library looking at microfilm, St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church records where my Great Grandfather, “Johann David Kuckkahn and his wife Wilhelmina” are recorded as members.    We went the Oak Hill Cemetery and found their graves.  The man in the office there supplied us with a map noting where the gravesite is.  It is just near the office, and near to where we parked our car. The man thought that was “freaky”.  Why did my Grandfather go over to St. Mark’s?  Why are he and my Grandmother, Johanna, buried at the Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery?  Only God knows.


Some of the Kuckhahns are buried where the Kripplein Christi Lutheran Church Cemetery was, where the Windwood Country Club and Golf Course now is.  There is supposed to be one gravestone left.  Dick and I tried to find it, but couldn’t.  The land belonged to Mr. Herman and Eleanor Bentert.   Viola Henrietta (Bentert) Wahl and her husband, John, and family were members of St. Mark’s.  I knew them, and Dick and I knew Inez (Wahl) Huebner who attended St. Mark’s School and Northwestern.  She married Pastor Lloyd Huebner.  In correspondence with Inez, we found out that some of the gravestones were in her parent’s garage when her mother died.  She and her sister didn’t know what to do with them, so the realtor took them.  Inez did say that her brother took pictures of what was left on the gravestones, but nothing about the Kuckhahns.  Dick went on the internet and found out from the Dodge County website – w/GenWebDodgeCounty – the names of the people baptized and buried at Kripplein Christi Lutheran Church.  Amazing, isn’t it?  I talked to a Mrs. Meta Turke, 96 years old, and she said she remembers when the Benterts lived in a house on the land where the Kripplein Christi Lutheran Church and Cemetery were.  Sadly, she said that “later the church building was used to raise chickens – and they were running all over the road!”  How many people remember that?




Another visit I made was to the St. Mark’s church office.  Linda Stark had called me, and told me that Sandy, who also works in the office, had  remembered that I called and asked if they had an October issue of Forward In Christ in which our granddaughter’s article, “Good-bye, Grandpa” was included.  So I went to the office and collected the complete issue, which I am very thankful for, because I had only the page on which the article was written.  Thank you very much, Linda and Sandy! 




After I had lunch at home (always missing my dear husband), I went to 1408 Memorial Drive, to visit my cousin, “Georgie” Kuckkan, and his wife, Kaye.  They live in a very nice apartment at Highland Village. It was almost as if they were waiting for me, the two of them sitting alone in the reception area near the front door!  Miracles like this are happening to me all of the time.  God is with me.  I congratulated Georgie on having his picture and write-up in the Watertown Daily Times.  He was acting as a football player with shoulder pads, a helmet, and football in a balloon magic presentation by Tim Glander from Whitewater.  I gave him information which I had printed about the Kripplein Christi Lutheran Church and Cemetery which I had printed for the “Kuckhahn Family Tree” book which he has.  Kaye then told me that Dorothea Guetzlaff (my cousin, Arnie’s, wife – his mother was my father’s sister) lives in the next apartment building at Highland Village.  She showed me a picket fence from the reception room window.  After the very memorable visit I had with Georgie and Kaye, I went to the picket fence – didn’t know where to go – but after walking around a bit – MIRACLE OF MIRACLES, there was a gate through the fence in front of me!  I walked through it and a beautiful garden of flowers, and found the door to a patio.  I knocked, told a little lady that I was trying to find Dorothea Guetzlaff.  She said that she lives there, but then we talked and talked.  She is the one who told me about the chickens being raised in what was the Kripplein Christi Lutheran Church!  She remembers it well.  Her name is Meta Turke, and she is 96 years old.  She asked me how old I am, and when I told her, she said, “You are young”!  I had such a lovely visit with her, and then found Dorothea Guetzlaff, who was happy to see me, and told me after a lovely visit with her too, “You made my day!”  What a warm feeling I had when I left Highland Village!  This time I used the front door,


I took an absolutely beautiful rose from one of our rose bushes to the Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery to put on Dick’s resting place.  I remember how he would pick a single rose from one of our bushes, and smilingly bring it to me – such a blessed memory!  It brings tears to my eyes to think of it.  I know that he has everything PERFECT with Jesus in heaven, including perfect roses!




On the way home I stopped in at the ROC to visit the teens, volunteers, and Tim (PT to the teens).  Mae Wilkes and Judi Raiser were there.  They had cooked hot dogs, and brought delicious chocolate brownies and chips for the teens.  I sat down, ate chips and a brownie (too late for a hot dog), visited with them, and then it was time for “Talk Time”.  Tim based it on Psalm 41 He asked the teens how they can be hurt physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  The teens told about many of the experiences they themselves had.  One of them was in tears when he told of an experience he had.  Tim asked how they were raised up by others.  It was amazing how some of them answered.  Psalm 41:10 says: “But you, O Lord, have mercy on me; raise me up”.  Tim’s “Talk Time” ended with the beautiful song, “You Raised Me Up”.  Dick and I tried to go to be with the ROC teens, volunteers, and Tim every week, and now I am trying to do that too.  It is another blessing from God!




Steve, our youngest son (born in Lusaka, Zambia, Africa) said on Facebook that he has Haglund’s Deformity leading to Achilles Tendonitis.  He is having physical therapy and orthotics (shoe inserts) which can often correct foot problems such as pronation. (please look it all up on Google or in a medical book – believe me, I looked up a lot of things in medical books when we were in Africa with a husband and our six children  to take care of – we didn’t have computers). On October 11th he had his second physical therapy appointment for his Achilles Tendonitis.  He had it taped with kinesio tape and said it actually seems to help.  How can tape help?   Steve was told on October 12th that after three treatments of phonophoresis (ultrasound) there is no improvement, then it’s three treatments of iontophoresis.  He is so excited because next week Tuesday (October 15th) he gets his custom orthotic(shoe inserts), and on Friday (October 18th) his first phonophonesis treatment for his Achilles Tendonitis.  Let’s hope and pray that it all helps because Steve does have pain, and who needs or wants pain?  We all love you, Steve!


OCTOBER PEBBLES FROM THE ROC          On December 3rd, 2003 our Recreation & Outreach Center (THE ROC) for Youth opened its doors at 321 S. Water St. (colorful building just down from the library) and immediately enjoyed a constant flow of teens who were mostly unchurched.  Work on this unique mission and ministry had really begun four years earlier as members of St. John, St. Luke, St. Mark, and Trinity began informally discussing the concept of a youth center.  In January of 2001 the congregations voted to form a task force (Watertown Youth Center Task Force) to study the possibility of a youth center.  In April of 2003 the congregations voted to replace the task force with a board of directors made up of individuals from each of the four congregations.  The Board then, in the name of all four congregations, issued a Divine Call to Pastor Timothy Mueller who accepted and arrived in Watertown with his family in August of 2003.  After many meetings, the City Planning Commission unanimously voted to give the ROC use of the 321 S. Water St. building for a youth center.  Neighbors who had previously opposed the youth center later came to love and appreciate it.  During this 10th Anniversary year we will continue to share history of THE ROC showing God’s blessings and how we arrived at owning our own building at 213 N. Third Street.  A ROC 10TH ANNIVERSARY OPEN HOUSE will be held on Sunday, December 8th from 12-3 p.m.  All are invited.  Another goal for our 10th Anniversary is for all of us to completely pay off ($13,000 remaining) the building and remodeling.  Thank you so much for your constant support and gifts.  THE ROC has been a wonderful mission for Christ, reaching out to over 2000 different teens over the TEN YEARS. 




Our dear son-in-law, Jeffrey Heitsch, is the husband of our daughter, Stephanie, who was born on December 4, 1963, in Blantyre, Nyasaland (Malawi after Independence in 1964).  Jeff is the Pastor of Good Shepherd Evangelical Lutheran Church (WELS) in Cheyenne, Wyoming.  This is the message he put on Facebook:  “Good Shepherd’s 40th Anniversary Celebration Sunday, October 13th.  Synod President Mark Schroeder will be here as well as two of the former pastors, Schwerin and Hanneman.  Regular morning service at 9 a.m., and then special Anniversary Service at 4 p.m. with a dinner following at 5:30 p.m.  Hope many of you can make it!”  What a glorious and blessed occasion!  Steph, Jeff, and three children (now grown up) have been in Cheyenne for fifteen years, having moved from Calgary, Canada.  What a blessing that Good Shepherd is celebrating its 40th Anniversary almost all day.  My beloved husband (Steph’s Dad) always said that Mission Festival Celebrations years ago were an all day affair.  His Dad, Pastor Richard William Mueller, Sr., was a pastor, and my Dick remembered those blessed days from when he was a little boy.




One of Sue and Tim’s son, Christopher (Principal/Teacher of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church (WELS) in Eagle River), his wife, Rebecca, daughter Emmaline, and baby (due next March), were on their way to Tennessee to attend a family Baptism when their car broke down in Fort Atkinson.  They were able to make it to Watertown where Christopher’s Dad (our son, Tim) lives, so that Tim can take their car into Mel’s Garage to have it fixed.  So we were blessed to have the family attend the church service at St. Mark’s with us, along with Julia (Sue and Tim’s daughter), her husband, Tom, and three little girls, and hear an inspiring sermon delivered by Pastor Karl Walther.  After the service we had a luscious turkey sandwich at Sue and Tim’s.  Sadly, Bekah, Chris, and family had to leave, and went back to Eagle River, driving Sue and Tim’s car.  Isn’t it wonderful how families work together?  “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” – Romans 8:28.   The rest of us went to a place by the name of “Glacier Rock Farm” outside of Lebanon.  Wow, it reminded me of when I was a child playing with my sisters and little brother on our grandfathers’ farms.  Many of those farms have disappeared, but Glacier Rock Farm has cattle, one milk cow which a person can actually milk, dogs, cats, chickens which Addie (Julia and Tom’s daughter), Tom, and Tim chased and caught (it was fun to watch them!), horses, ponies, pigs, goats, and even llamas, peacocks, and ostriches.  It is a fun place to visit and a very educational place for children.




Steve said on Facebook that he “is so excited!  He picked up the new orthotics (shoe insoles) today, and hope they “do the trick” for his Achilles Tendonitis”.  When he and his dear wife, Melody, come on October 20th to hear his brother, Tim, preach at St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church about the ROC, we will find out if and how much they have helped.  We pray that they have.




The local chapter of the OWLS met at St. John’s in Waterloo, Wisconsin, at 1:30 pm.  Mrs. Joanne Lillo kindly took two other ladies and me in her very comfortable car to the meeting.  The guest speaker was Carol Gronholz who taught Vacation Bible School to children in Malawi, Africa.  She had spoken at the 15th Annual Called Workers Reunion on July 25, 2013, so I had already heard her presentation, which was very interesting and enthusiastically presented.  While she spoke, it brought back many memories of Dick’s and my serving our Lord in Nyasaland (Malawi after Independence in 1964) where the Coxes and we, thanks be to our loving Lord, started the LCCA mission work back on June 16, 1963.  Delicious refreshments were served after the presentation   It was a very enjoyable afternoon.  




This is an e-mail letter to our family from her father (our son, Richard John Mueller) on October 19, 2013: – Subject:  Cary’s surgery yesterday

“I just wanted to send a quick note about Cary’s surgery.  Yesterday Cary went in to surgery to have a tumor removed from her brain.  It is not as bad as this sounds but is still serious.  From what I understand and I may be wrong on the details, the surgeon snakes a catheter through a vessel to the tumor and somehow removes it that way so there is minimal invasive surgery.  The surgery went well and she is in a room recovering.  She will probably be there for a few days before being released.  Forward this to whoever I have missed that may be thinking of her.  And pray for her.  R.J.”.  Cary’s tumor is called a “Meningioma” tumor.  We know that she is in God’s almighty hands and is taking care of her.  She and her husband, Grant, live in Anchorage, Alaska, and they have four sons.  He is a member of the United States Air Force stationed at Elmendorf Air Force Base there.




Pastor James Weiland, husband of our daughter, Susan, is pastor of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, Merrill, Wisconsin, and today is the day of a Harvest Festival in support of the church’s building addition project.  God’s richest blessings on this endeavor!




“The Rev. Tim Mueller, the pastor and director of the Watertown Recreation and Outreach Center (ROC) will be the guest speaker this weekend at all the services at St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, 215 N. Sixth St.  This year marks the 10th anniversary of the ROC.  Mueller will preach on John 14:1-6, “Jesus Comforts Troubled Hearts.”  Communion services will be held today at 6 p.m. and Sunday at 7:30, 9, and 10:45 a.m.”  Other members of our family and I attended the 10:45 a.m. service on the 20th.  Tim preached about the blessings of the ROC, how it has helped thousands of troubled teens during the 10 years, and continues to help them.  We also participated in communion, the receiving the body and blood of Jesus for the forgiveness of our sins.  What a privilege and blessing it is to have religious freedom in our country, and attend the church of our choice – thanks be to God!   Our son, Steve, and his wife, Melody, came to the service, and because it was Melody’s birthday the day before, we went out to lunch at Applebees.  We had a delicious dinner, and Melody was brought a huge sundae while the waiters and waitresses sang, “Happy Birthday” to her.  It was wonderful to have such a happy and blessed visit together.





“On December 3, 2003, our Recreation & Outreach Center (THE ROC) for Youth opened its doors at 321 S. Water St. and immediately enjoyed a constant flow of teens who were mostly unchurched.  Work on this unique mission and ministry had really begun 4 years earlier as members of St. John, St. Luke, St. Mark, and Trinity began informally discussing the concept of a youth center.  In January of 2001 the congregations voted to form a task force (Watertown Youth Center Task Force) to study the possibility of a youth center.  In April of 2003 the congregations voted to replace the task force with a board of directors made up of individuals from each of the 4 congregations.  The Board then, in the name of all 4 congregations, issued a Divine Call to Pastor Timothy Mueller who accepted and arrived in Watertown with his family in August of 2003.  After many meetings, the City Planning Commission unanimously voted to give the ROC use of the 321 S. Water St. building for a youth center.  Neighbors who had previously opposed the youth center later came to love and appreciate it.  During the 10th Anniversary year we will continue to share history of the ROC showing God’s blessings and how we arrived at owning our own building at 213 N. Third Street. A ROC 10TH ANNIVERSARY OPEN HOUSE will be held on Sunday, December 8th from 12-3PM.  All are invited.  Another goal for our 10th Anniversary is for all of us to completely pay off ($13,000 remaining) the building and remodeling.  Thank you so much for your constant support and gifts.  THE ROC has been a wonderful mission for Christ, reaching out to over 2000 different teens over the TEN YEARS.  A free will offering will be received for The Roc after each service.



The ROC teens were having their annual Harvest Festival, so since I was invited to come around 4:15 pm, so when I arrived, it already was a “beehive” of activity.  Ruth Uttech and Brenda Schuenemann,.                  two of the volunteers, each had a table and were helping teens put together two “friend-crows” (Ruth called them) instead of scarecrows.  They started them from scratch and put together a beautiful pair, a smiling man and a smiling woman (the woman holding a bouquet of flowers), and deposited them in the hallway of the ROC, welcoming all visitors with smiles.  And then it was as if a miracle happened!  A woman by the name of Pam Erdman, a volunteer at the ROC and also my cousin, Gladys Guetzlaff’s (her mother, Meta, was my father, Henry Kuckkan’s sister) daughter came (not knowing I was there) with three newspaper clippings from years back.  She had an article with an engagement picture of me, an article and wedding picture of my Dick and me when we were married, and a picture and article of when my beloved husband, Dick, our daughter, Deborah, 2, Richard, 1, and me were called to do mission work in N. Rhodesia (now Zambia), Africa.  How thoughtful of my cousin to save those clippings all of those years, and how thoughtful of her daughter to bring them to the ROC to give to our dear son to give to me.  There I was so that she could personally give them to me!  It amazes me how the Lord works!   A great game was played by the teens who would draw something related to Halloween and two teams competed against each other to guess what the drawing was.  A lot of delicious food was brought by Ruth and Pam.  There must have been at least around 100 teens there, but as the good Lord would have it, there was plenty to go around.   Another kind lady brought in more food because it was her daughter’s birthday.  What a celebration the ROC Harvest Festival was, and I was privileged to be there!  God bless all of you!  




Wow!  Another big day!  Julia (Mueller) Pasch has a birthday October 30th, and Bekah (Faugstad) Mueller has a birthday November 3rd, so there was a combined birthday party for both of them at Sue and Tim’s.  Almost all in Sue and Tim’s family were able to make it.  Of course, again there was a delicious meal including a birthday cake with the number “27” (both ladies will be 27) on top of it.  Many beautiful gifts were given.  The children, all God’s gifts from heaven, are growing so fast!  It was a blessing to see and be with everyone there.   


NOVEMBER PEBBLES FROM THE ROC          Please mark your calendars!  A ROC 10TH ANNIVERSARY OPEN HOUSE will be held on Sunday, December 8th from 12-3 p.m.  All are invited.  Along with great fellowship and food, we plan to show some videos of teen (past and present) interviews showing what they think of THE ROC.  Another goal for our 10th Anniversary is for all of us to completely pay off ($13,000 remaining) the building and remodeling.  Thank you so much for your constant support and gifts.  THE ROC has been a wonderful mission for Christ, reaching out to thousands of teens, most of whom did not hear the Good News of free grace through our Savior, Christ Jesus.


A Few More ROC Historical Facts:

2003, June – Pastor Timothy Mueller, serving at that time as pastor of Immanuel in Medford, WI. accepts the Call to be the director and pastor of the ROC

2003, August – City Site Planning Review Committee accepts the ROC site plan for 321 S. Water Street (formerly A-Z Mill office building)

2003, September 8 – Despite some opposition by neighbors, the City Planning Commission unanimously votes to give the ROC use of the 321 S. Water St. building

2003, September 28th, 2:00 p.m. – Pastor/Director Mueller’s installation in the Luther Prep. chapel – 250 attended

2003, December 3 – The ROC Opened

2004, January 24 – The Grand Opening of the Watertown Recreation & Outreach Center (ROC) for Youth




Sue and Tim invited me to go with them to St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lannon, Wisconsin (where Jenny, Kevin, Joshua, Jonah, Conner, Tyler, and Ella live) for the 10:30 AM Reformation service.  Kevin played the organ, and directed the school children and choir in singing “Only By Grace”, which was beautiful!  The Sermon Text was:  Exodus 34:5-9, and the Theme and parts were:  “We Can See The Reformation At The Foot of Mt. Sinai – 1.  The Lord forgives us through his Son   2.  The Lord speaks to us through his messengers  (Mr. Mark Swanson, EFT Student from Wisconsin :Lutheran Seminary preached the sermon.  After the service we went to the Poston home and had a delicious lunch.  The children, who are very musical, entertained us by playing the piano, violin, and cello.  Conner played a small violin because he is 6 years old.  I didn’t know there was such a thing (it looks like a toy, but isn’t).  All of them did so well.  Thank you for a very blessed and great day, Sue, Tim, and Postons.




Yes, in the Mueller family there are Chicago Bears fans!  Why?  Dick was the pastor of Lord And Savior Evangelical Lutheran Church, Crystal Lake, Illinois, for over 11 years.  I remember how he and the guys, and maybe some of the girls, in our family would cheer for the Bears!  When some of us moved to Wisconsin, we stuck with the Bears.  Dick loved the Bears jacket which Melody and Steve gave him so very much and proudly wore it.  Needless to say, he got many comments when we were in public places when and wherever he wore it.  He loved that too.  Anyway, the Bears beat the Packers 27-20, and I must say, it sure was an exciting game.  I heard it announced that the Bears hadn’t beaten the Packers since 2009!  We still have the wonderful Bears bird house which Tim’s wife, Sue, found at the Cranberry Festival in 2007, and she and Tim gave to Dick that Christmas.  




Today, Veterans Day, is a rainy (even snowy, as my daughter-in-law, Sue Mueller, just informed me over the phone) and dreary day.  When we think of our veterans who served God and our country; about so many who slogged through the rain, mud, and snow fighting our enemies in foreign countries, and sacrificing their lives, we thank them from the bottom of our hearts.  We also thank those men, women, and their families who are now serving in the military and profusely thank them too.  God bless America!


This last weekend is a weekend engraved in my memory.  Laura Weiland, our youngest granddaughter (who wrote the article "Good-bye, Grandpa" for Forward in Christ in memory of my dear husband, took part in the Choralfest at Lakeside Lutheran High School in Lake Mills, Wisconsin, on Friday, November 8th.  Her mother and father, Sue and Pastor Jim, "collected" me on Friday and took me there to hear and see 22 choral groups from all over the States – even from Arizona and Washington.  Laura and the other "Northwinds" from Northland Lutheran High School, Mosinee, Wisconsin, were wonderful!  They sang "I Will Survive/Survivor", and our Laura had a solo which she sang so well.  God has given her an amazing voice.  The Prep Singers of Luther Prep (formerly Northwestern) sang "Singin’ in the Rain" so wonderfully too.   I love music, and it was a blessing from God that I could be there for all of the beautiful singing.  Another blessing was that I saw many people who (Dick and) I know.  One of them is that I sat next to a man who heard me talking to people sitting behind us, and when I mentioned my husband’s name, he turned to me and said, "I’m James Buehlow".  Wow!  He was my top first grade pupil when I taught at St. John’s Lutheran School in Jefferson, Wisconsin.   Dick’s father, Pastor Richard William Mueller, was the pastor there at the time.  How surprised I was!  I had to hug him and said, "You are little Jimmy?"  I hadn’t seen him for many years.  It was a pleasure too to meet his wife, Bev.  God surely works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform!   Thank you so very much for making it possible for me to be there for such a glorious occasion, Sue and Jim!


God blessed me again on Sunday, November 10th.  The day started with attending church services at St. Mark’s Ev. Lutheran Church with our son, Pastor Tim, his wife, Sue, Tom Pasch (their son-in-law), and Addie, one of Julie and Tom’s three daughters.  Julie had to stay home with Amelia (who was sick), and Annabel.  Pastor Pieter Reid’s Sermon Theme was:  "LIVE THE GREAT COMMISSION" – 1.  Compelled by Christ’s Love For You  2.  Show You Have Christ’s Love For Others   It was a wonderful mission sermon based on Matthew 28:18-20.  When I talked to Pastor Reid, he said that he remembered our son, Dick (RJ to him), as playing great soccer in his bare feet at Northwestern.  Dick and his brother, Tim, played soccer barefoot with their African friends when we were serving God as missionaries in Africa.


At 4:00 PM the same day, November 10th, our son, Pastor Tim (Sue had to work) took me to the Watertown High School to watch and hear "Anything Goes".  Some of the ROC teens, who (Dick and) I also know, were in the musical.  When I looked down the list of characters, I saw the name, "James Kuckkan" who was Captain of the ship, S.S. America, in the musical!  It was another surprise!  He was great in the musical, and so were the others.  Dick and I loved going to musicals in Milwaukee when we were going together years ago.  After it Tim and I talked to many teens who know Tim and me.  I was anxious to meet James, and I did meet him, his parents, and grandparents, in the hallway after the show.  He is my cousin, Georg(ie) Kuckkan’s grandson.  It was a delight to talk to all of them.  I also saw and talked to another cousin, Erv(ie) Kuckkan, and his wife, Ardis.  Yes, there are still a lot of Kuckkans in Watertown.  My grandfather and grandmother Kuckkan had twelve children!   There was also a lady I talked to who attends Augie’s Elite Cuisine Cooking Show which (Dick and) I attend.  Her daughter, Lexie, also was in the show.  "Oh, what a beautiful day!"


It wasn’t over yet.  Tim took me back to their home where my car was parked, so before I left, he invited me to have a bowl of soup.  Wow, what delicious soup Sue had made – chock full of vegetables and meat!  She is a wonderful cook and baker.  I also had a brownie.  Thank you, Sue and Tim for a very blessed time.  I know that my honey (we do miss him) is having an even more blessed time in heaven with Jesus!


Wishing all of you God’s richest blessings and with a lot of love, Irene Grandma Great Grandma Sister Friend



Hello Family,

I know I do not write in these family e-mails very much but after an event I had happen today I felt it deserved being shared with the family.

After finishing work today, I went to go grab dinner. It was a very chilly day today (for us thin blooded Floridians) and it was extremely windy out which was making it more brisk. Instead of taking a normal route to Subway, I decided to take the long way there and enjoy a drive. I was stopped in a left turn lane for what seemed to be the longest light in history. I looked to my side and there stood a homeless man. He was very run down and was holding a sign. The only thing that the sign read was "Homeless… God Bless." More times than not, I do not think anything of this and move along my way. Today… I looked at the man in the face. In his eyes there was a great deal of sadness. Something different struck me about this man. So I reached into my wallet and pulled out my last five dollar bill I had. I rolled down my window and handed it to the man. All I said was "Stay Warm." The man took it and his eyes brightened. He did not say a word to me he just nodded his head and smiled. I was expecting the man to put it in his pocket and continue to hold the sign for he next individual to roll down their window with money. Instead… The man took the money I had given him, turned and RAN into the 7 – 11 that was directly behind him. I was fortunate enough that the light lasted long enough for me to see the man purchase a hot cup of coffee and a hot dog. He looked so thankful…

This event stuck with me the entire drive home and has continued to stick into my brain. As I was driving home I began to wonder what this man had done or what events had happened to him that caused him to be standing on this corner. I started thinking about it and it made me realize a couple of very important truths. The thankfulness that I saw in this man’s eyes is what I feel when I think about my family that God has blessed me with in this life. That individual could have been myself without the loving support of so many family members. I was able to follow a dream of mine of moving to Florida thanks to both the loving support of my parents as well as a loving uncle who allowed me to move straight into his spare bedroom until I got on my feet. God has truly blessed all of us who are able to trace our family history back to the Mueller clan. The love that we all feel in our family we can all track down to a wonderful mother, grandmother or great grandmother as well as a fantastic late father, grandfather or great grandfather.

It is fitting that this event took place a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving. I am truly thankful to be a part of this family. I hope everyone else on this e-mail list feels the same.

God bless everyone and I hope that everyone is doing well!

Thank you!

Mitch Heitsch




Our daughter, Debbie, is very busy, but she rearranged her schedule so that she could come to Watertown and go with me to the Rock River Owls meeting at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church.  The guest speaker was President Mark Schroeder who gave a report on the last Synod Convention.  His presentation was very interesting, and many people asked questions.  After the presentation the ladies of Trinity served delicious refreshments.  There were quite a few people there, and it was delightful visiting with many of them.  After the meeting Debbie wanted to go to the Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery to her dear Dad and my sweet husband’s resting place.  Last year on November 14, 2012, he became ill and was bedridden until he went to live with Jesus in heaven on December 1st.  All of us know that it is God’s will.



The Watertown Daily Times asked for people to write articles about where we were when PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY WAS ASSASSINATED, so I submitted the following article:


“My dear husband, Pastor Richard William Mueller, Jr. (living with Jesus in heaven since December 1, 2012), five children, and I at the time that President Kennedy was shot on November 22, 1963, were missionaries in Nyasaland (now Malawi since Independence in 1964) Africa.  I will never forget how shocked my husband’s face was when he came in running from the car outside where he had been listening to his mobile ham radio (no TV then), and cried out, “Kennedy’s been shot!”  Dick knew that the head of the Peace Corps was having a meeting in Blantyre and immediately took off to tell all of them.  Needless to say, the meeting quickly broke up!           Irene Mueller, Watertown




It was exciting to go with Sue and Tim to St. Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran School in Oconomowoc, to see and hear Addie Pasch, their granddaughter (our great granddaughter), who is in Pre-School, take part in a little program featuring Pilgrims and Native Americans.  The children were all dressed in homemade costumes.  Addie was a Native American, and even had a feather sticking out of a head band she had made.  All of the children did so well portraying when the Pilgrims landed in America, and how the Native Americans helped them in their hour of need.   It reminded me of when I taught first grade years ago.   What a joy and blessing it was!  After the program we were served a delicious lunch prepared by the parents of the children.  There is so much to be thankful for!




I received a letter from Pastor Karl Walther, one of St. Mark’s three very dedicated pastors.  The subject is “Memorial Sunday”.  It says:  “Memorial Sunday gives us the theme for worship at St. Mark’s this week.  You’ll recall this final Sunday of the Church Year commemorates souls from our midst who have departed by faith with Christ over the course of this past year.  A little short of thirty names will be read during the worship this week. Revelation 22:12-19 will serve as sermon text.  It describes, in part, the life with Jesus we Christians will enjoy eternally.  Meantime, this passage also issues a serious warning for us neither to add to nor subtract from the words of the Scriptures.”  My dear husband’s name was among those names read during the service.  When a name is read, the church bell tolls once.  Dick’s name was read and the bell tolled, but somehow it comforted me because I knew that he is in heaven with God, and I was in God’s house on earth.  Cassie Chmielewski (our oldest great granddaughter), who attends Luther Prep, and a friend, Kari Waldschmidt, who also attends Luther Prep, were able to be with me.  November 24th is our oldest son, Richard’s, 58th birthday.  Dick was Pastor of Grace Evangelical Church in Crivitz, Wisconsin, his first congregation at the time.  Our precious son was born in the middle of Dick’s sermon.  He took me to the hospital in Marinette, went back to the church and preached, came back, and we had Thanksgiving dinner together (in those days it was unheard of that the father be in the delivery room).  It was Thanksgiving Day!  What a wonderful gift from our loving Lord! 




Our dear daughter, Debbie, came to Watertown to “collect” me so that I could be with her, Glen, and their family.  She had two of their grandchildren, Aubrey, and Brayden, with her, so we went to McDonalds for lunch and so the children could play in the play area and “let off steam”.  On Thanksgiving Day we went to the church service at Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church, Sussex, Wisconsin, where Debbie and Glen are members.  What a blessing it was to hear Pastor Bruce Margraf preach about:  “The Secret of Being Content”, based on Philippians 4:11-13.  Dick and I had met their pastor when we went to California at the time Debbie and Glen were married.  His parents were members of that church, and “Bruce” was a little boy.  The years fly by!  Glen sang with his awesome voice, a gift from God, in the church choir.  It was great to talk to Bruce (Pastor Margraf) and others after the service.  We were invited to Jamie and Mark’s beautiful home for an exquisite Thanksgiving dinner.  I was so happy to meet Jamie’s brother, Matt, and her grandparents.  It was wonderful to be with Debbie, Glen, Nicki, Dave, Cassie, Caleb, Ken, Joe, Roger, Brian, Kaitlin, and talk to and see Ann, David, Emma, and Elaina via Skype.  Have I missed anyone?  Yes, my dear husband, and Dad, Grandpa, Great Grandpa, and friend!  All of us sorely miss him.  He has a definite place in all of our hearts.  Debbie had to work at Kohl’s (she is a cashier) on “Black Friday”.  Nicki, Cassie, Caleb and I went there at 4:00 when the crowd had thinned out, waited for Debbie, and did a little shopping.  Cassie (a student at Luther Prep) helped me a lot picking out a couple of things.  Saturday they (Glen, Debbie, Nicki, Dave (her husband), Cassie, Caleb, Jamie, Aubrey, and Brayden took me back home to Watertown.  Before that they stopped at a Christmas Tree farm on CW, not very far from where my Grandpa, Carl, and Grandma, Johanna’s, farm with a lot of land was.  Now only the farmhouse is left, and many houses are built on the land.  All of them found beautiful Christmas trees.  It was fun to be with Debbie and Glen and family from Wednesday until Saturday.  Thank you, God, for that blessing!  At 5:30 pm Tim’s wife, Sue, called and asked if I wanted to go to the Watertown Christmas Parade of Lights in which Tim (carrying the ROC banner) and the teens would walk down Main Street in Watertown.  Yes, I would love to go, so off I went again.  There were loads of people lining both sides of Main Street, and we took many pictures of all of the floats decorated with many lights.  Sue got a great picture of the teens and Tim.  God is richly blessing me, and I am thankful for his great mercy and goodness.




Dear loved ones,


As my dear husband, friend, lover, my life (for almost 70 years) said to all who were with us when he was so very ill, "How can I repay all of you for all that you do for me?"  I am speechless as I begin writing this because I also ask that question to all of you, and because of the memory of when he was taken from all of you and me by our loving Lord in His great wisdom.  My family knows that when I write letters to friends and relatives during such times that I quote the Bible passage:  "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding" – Proverbs 3:5.  It goes on to say in verse 6:  "In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight".  I know that is true because it is a year ago today since God took Dick unto Himself and He is with me every day.  He shows me in so many ways, and  I thank Him for His great goodness and mercy to me.


Yes, I miss Dick every day.  I carry on with the devotions we had every morning, and with the prayers we prayed together before we went to sleep.  I carry him with me in my heart.  I know that all of you miss him too because of all of the Facebook messages, e-mails, and telephone calls.  THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL OF YOUR LOVING KINDNESSES!


This morning I was blessed to have some of our wonderful family (who were able to be there), Sue, Tim, Jenny, Kevin, their five children, and Steve, attend the church service at St. Mark’s, and participate of communion together with me.  After the service we went to the cemetery to the resting place of our loved one, and two of our sons, Tim and Steve, had beautiful prayers in memory of their Dad.  Steve put a beautiful bouquet of roses in a vase there.  Thank you all for being with me especially today. All of us, as I know all who were not able to be there, have fond memories of him. 


God’s richest blessings and much love to all of you, Mom Grandma Great Grandma Sister Friend


(DECEMBER-2013) PEBBLES FROM THE ROC          In preparation for the 10th Anniversary Open House, teens were asked what they liked about THE ROC.  We were so happy to hear many teens mention Bible/Talk Time where the truths of God’s Word are taught and Christ is proclaimed as the Savior of all.  It was also positive to hear the teens say that no one at THE ROC looked down on them but treated them with respect and accepted them as fellow sinners in need of Christ.

All are invited to stop in at the ROC anytime to see the Christ-Centered Youth Center we all support.  You may also consider being a volunteer.  Such helpers are always needed.  Stop in and talk to Pastor Mueller about the help you would like to offer.

Thank you so much for all the support you give to THE ROC which has an annual budget of about $80,000 per year.  Please continue to help THE ROC with your gifts which can be sent to THE ROC, 213 N. 3rd St., Watertown, WI 53094.   THE ROC is also an eligible organization for Thrivent Choice dollars.  Designate your Thrivent Choice dollars by going to by calling 1-800-847-4836.  Designate the dollars to “Watertown Recreation and Outreach Center for Youth”. 

A Few More ROC Historical Facts In Observance of The 10th Anniversary:

1.   October 3rd, 2009 – THE ROC moved from 321 S. Water Street to a temporary location in the basement of St. Mark’s Parish Hall.

2.   December 29th, 2009 – The Closing of the purchase of THE ROC building (213 N. 3rd Street).  We now had our own home for THE ROC.




The Watertown Recreation and Outreach Center for Youth (ROC), 213 N. Third St., will celebrate its 10th anniversary with an open house Sunday, from noon until 3 p.m.  The open house will feature refreshments and fellowship, as well as video interviews of teens talking about the ROC. All donations from the open house will contribute toward paying off the remaining building debt of $11,000.  Approximately 50 teenagers visit the ROC each night it’s open, with about 250 different teens attending each year. Over the past 10 years, the ROC has had an impact on nearly 2,500 different teenagers in the Watertown community.  The Rev. Tim Mueller, who has been pastor and director of the ROC since its inception, said, "What inspired The ROC to open is seeing all the teens hang out in different places in Watertown with nothing to do. So many teens seemed like they were in need of guidance and help. There was also a clear need to help the teens spiritually as so many were confused as to many life and death issues. "The idea for the Watertown ROC began in 1999, after four WELS churches, St. Johns, St. Luke’s, St. Mark’s, and Trinity Lutheran, recognized a need for a safe and uplifting environment where local teenagers could go to have fun and develop positive relationships with other community members. The center first opened in 2003, occupying a building on South Water Street. In 2009, it had to move out of that building to make way for the construction of an apartment complex being built on that property. The center temporarily occupied the basement of St. Mark’s Church, until finally moving to its current location in June of 2010.  Teens who visit the ROC are offered activities such as billiards, foosball, ping pong, air hockey, video games, computers, with Internet access, board games, snacks, counseling and homework help. Its hours of operation are Wednesday from 4 to 9 p.m., Thursday from 3:30 to 9 p.m., Friday from 3:30 to 10 p.m., and Saturday from 3 to 9 p.m.  Mueller describes the ROC as being run with "firmness, but great love and compassion." He notes forgiveness from God in Christ as what he has seen make the biggest impact on the teens. "It is amazing how so many teens have only felt the heavy hand of the law without the sweet forgiveness from God and others. Teens who had such hard hearts are changed to teens who want to help and give. It’s truly amazing. Teens who were bullied and felt like nothing realize their value and worth in God’s favor and love in Christ," says Mueller.  Mueller was born in Africa, the son of missionaries who were serving there, but lived in Watertown while attending school, and moved back when he was called to the ROC ministry. He attended four years of college and four years of seminary

training at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary. He has over 30 years of ministry and counseling experience. He is married to Sue (Brandt), and together they have five children, Jenny, Tim Jr., Chris, Julie and Matthew.




Dear loved ones,

Today, one year ago, December 6, 2012, my dear husband of almost 60 years, was laid to rest at Evangelical Lutheran (St. Mark’s) Cemetery, Watertown, Wisconsin.  

In one way it seems a very long time ago, and in another way it seems like just a short time ago that he went to heaven to live with Jesus.

Please keep me in your prayers, as I keep all of you in mine.  "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble" – Psalm 46:1.  Thank you.

God’s richest blessings always and with much love, Mom Grandma Great Grandma Sister Friend





Dear All,


In today’s Daily Times on the front page were two pictures of the "annual Live Nativity which is being held at St. Luke’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, 301 Clark Street, Watertown, Wisconsin.  Presentations will be held every half hour from 5 to 8 pm. every half hour from 5 to 8 p.m. today and from 2 to 4 p.m. on Sunday.  Last year my dear husband and I went together, so this evening I decided to walk to St. Luke’s, very "bundled up" because of the cold weather.  The church is just around the corner from where our home is.  People who came sat very silently outdoors on benches listening to the angel proclaiming the birth of our Savior, Jesus, in Bethlehem, to the shepherds – how they came with haste and found Mary, Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger – how the "shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told" – Luke 2:20   The ROC teens came with our son, Pastor/Director Tim, to see and hear the wonderful presentation, and there were also many people who stayed for the delicious refreshments which were served after every presentation. 


The shepherds shared the story of the birth of Jesus, even as we are moved to share Jesus with everyone.  I have  before me a Children’s CHRISTmas Service which was translated into Chinyanja by your father, grandfather, great grandfather, relative, and friend back in the 1950s (we went to Africa as missionaries in 1957).  It tells the story of the birth of Jesus in "Chinyanja".  It contains CHRISTmas hymns, Liturgy, and Bible readings for the children to recite, just as Lutheran children do all over the world at this joyful time of the year.  On the cover is a picture of Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus, our dear Savior, lying in a manger.  At that time (before the Publications building), my dear husband printed hymns, Liturgy, sermons, Bible stories, tracts, etc. on the mimeograph (what is that? – some of you may say) both in English and Chinyanja.  I was happy to use a stylus to draw (on a stencil) pictures of Bible stories (from the cover of pamphlets sent to us in English from the States by many kind organizations).  Some of you or members of your family may remember..


Dick printed the Children’s CHRISTmas Service in English for the English-speaking congregation in Lusaka and in Chinyanja, and our six sweet children helped us put the materials together by going round and round the dining room table.  They were distributed to the congregations which my dear husband served, in Lusaka, N. Rhodesia (now Zambia), and also mailed to Zambians and other African countries, including Nyasaland (now Malawi), where later we were privileged to go and serve as some of the first missionaries in 1963.  What joy it was for all of us to serve His people doing the work of sharing Jesus’ birth with everyone, as the shepherds did, giving all glory to God!


Tonight’s live presentation of the birth of our Savior filled me with joy!   I am looking forward to CHRISTmas, and hearing children’s voices, choirs, congregations, etc. tell the glorious story of the birth of Jesus!!!!!!


God’s richest blessings to all of you, and with much love, Mom Grandma Great Grandma Relative Friend





Dear loved ones,


Today was a very exciting blessed day!   Sue, Tim, Cassie (our oldest great granddaughter who attends Luther Prep), and I went to the 9:00 a.m. church service at St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church.  After the service we went to the ROC building where the Open House celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the ROC (Recreational and Outreach Center for teens) was to take place.   It had started snowing after the church service, but we looked forward with great anticipation to the teens, board members, volunteers, and all the friends of the ROC coming! 


The people started coming, and kept coming, thanks be to our good and gracious Lord.  And the food kept coming.  Many of the teens had been interviewed and videotaped.  The tapes were shown on the screen, and they told of how much the ROC had helped them when they had troubles and did not know what to do.  Many of them were unchurched and came from broken homes.  One teen told how "all he heard at his home was fighting", and then he found the ROC which is a safe "home".  Some teens would be walking the streets and getting into trouble.  One man who came to the ROC when he was a teen, is in the army serving in Afghanistan, and he sent a video saying how he found peace and God during Bible Talk Time which our son, Tim, has every time the ROC is open.  He told Tim that "if he would come back from Afghanistan in a box, he wants "PT", as they call Tim, to conduct his funeral". 


Dick and I tried to go to the ROC to visit with the teens every week.  It truly is a blessing to be there, and I try to go every week since my dear Honey is in heaven now.  It is what I feel I want to do.


Not to forget all of the good delicious food which the ladies and men of the four Wisconsin Synod Lutheran Churches brought which everyone indulged in.  Tim’s wife, Sue (our daughter-in-law) was in charge of the organization of the food brought.  Many of their families also came, and many friends and relatives (one of my cousins, Ervin Kuckkan, and his wife, Ardis, to my delight).


Thank God for all of you who worked so hard out of love in your hearts to make this day a truly blessed one.  As my sweet husband always said, THE LORD WILL PROVIDE!".  I know that God will provide the means to eliminate the remaining $11,000. on the mortgage debt of the ROC building! 


God be with you ’til we meet again.  With love, Mom, Grandma, Great Grandma, Relative, Friend




Dear family,


I have accepted a call to serve as principal, teacher, and athletic director at St. John’s Lutheran Church and School in Watertown, WI. There has been much prayer and deliberation to come to this decision, and I feel my abilities are a good fit for this call. I have faith and trust in God’s power, wisdom, and love that he will bless this decision for His church and also my family. I will faithfully serve the remainder of the school year at Christ Lutheran in Eagle River and make the transition during the summer. Though many changes are ahead, my wife and I find comfort in God’s many promises!  



Chris Mueller 




May the Light of God’s love shine in all of our hearts as we celebrate the birth of JESUS, our Savior!   Let us thank our loving God for all of the blessings He has bestowed on all of us, His dear children.


God richly blessed Dick, my beloved husband of nearly 60 years, and me with 81 loved ones in our immediate family.  We have 6 children (and spouses), 20 grandchildren (and spouses – 4 not married), and 35 great grandchildren!  What an awesome God we have!  The oldest great grandchild, “Cassie Chmielewski”, is now attending Luther Prep (formerly Northwestern Prep).  Since my dear husband went to live with Jesus in heaven on December 1, 2012, three great grandchildren have been born to our family.  As Dick quoted the Bible verse, Psalm 127:5 to many people:  “Happy is the man whose quiver is full of them (children)”.  He would laugh heartily when he said it.  All of us have so many fond memories of him.


He always told the story to people of when he saw me for the first time walking up the sidewalk at Northwestern (now Luther Prep).  He was 15 years old and I was 14.  He said that he told the other boys in the dorm, “she’s mine!”  It was love at first sight for both of us.  Many in our huge family have carried on, and are carrying on, the tradition of attending our Lutheran schools and training their children “in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” – Ephesians 6:4.  It fills my heart with joy that God is blessing us so richly..  


When he was very ill with cancer in a hospital bed in our home, one of the Rainbow Hospice nurses, who was planning to get married, asked him, “what is the secret of a happy marriage?”  He answered without hesitation:  1. Love God.  2.  Love each other.

Yes, I miss Dick very much, and I know you do too.  I was his “help meet”, as Eve was to Adam.  Genesis 2:18 says:  “And the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone;  I will make him an help meet for him” (KJV)  God guides me every day, and shows me in so many ways that He is with me, and all of us.  We thank and praise Him for His loving kindness, amazing grace, and mercy.  He is our Refuge and Strength!


Thank you for all of your thoughts, prayers, telephone calls, e-mail and Facebook messages, cards, and letters.  God bless you at CHRISTmas, the New Year, and always,

Irene, Mom, Grandma, Great Grandma, Sister, Friend





Our son, Richard, and his wife, Wanda arrived at the Milwaukee airport the morning of Wednesday, December 11th.  How happy and excited we were to see them!  Sue and Tim invited them and me to their home for a very scrumptious pork chop dinner and “catching up” on the news visit.  During their visit we went to the very popular Mineshaft restaurant in Hartford, WI., and imbibed in a great seafood dinner.  In the evening we went to Luther Prep to watch Cassie Chmielewski (our great granddaughter) play basketball.  Her mom, Nicki, her dad, Dave, and Debbie (grandmother – our daughter) were also there, so more members of the family happily visited together.  We were invited to Concordia College, Milwaukee, WI., from which Kevin Poston (our granddaughter, Jenny’s husband, graduated, receiving his master’s degree (after working for it six years) in church music.  It was a very special and blessed event!  We were also invited to St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church’s parish hall in Lannon, WI., where we also celebrated Kevin’s graduation.  Mouth watering food was served.   Four of our six children, Debbie, Dick, Tim, and Steve were able to be there, and what a blessed visit we all had!  I couldn’t resist taking a LOT of pictures!  On Sunday morning we attended the 10:45 a.m. service at St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church; also receiving communion.  We grabbed a sandwich and then we ladies headed to Lannon again.  Sue, Tim’s wife, was kind enough to drive there.  Jenny, their daughter, hosted one of the many beautifully decorated tables.  Jenny’s table was outstanding!  More pictures were taken!   Refreshments were served, and then we went up to the church where “A Simple CHRISTmas” was presented, and many beautiful carols were sung by the ladies present.  It was another very blessed day, and we thank our dear God for it.  Sadly, the next day Dick and Wanda had to leave.  We went to the Pine Cone restaurant in Johnson’s Creek to have a lunch first, and then took them to the Milwaukee airport to go back to their home in Orlando, FL.  That’s life!  Everyone has responsibilities, and our family is very aware of them.




Dear friends in CHRIST,


First of all, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your thoughtfulness in remembering me with all of your thoughts and prayers, meaningful cards, e-mail, Facebook, and snail-mail letters with beautiful family pictures, thoughtful gifts, some very mouth watering (one from one of our grandsons, David Wilson, Ann, and their family, a box of Black Magic chocolates because I had mentioned once that my dear husband brought me a box of Black Magic chocolates in Africa every time I had a baby), (from another grandson,Travis Heitsch, and his wife, Jenna, a box of luscious pears), gift cards from other loved ones in our family (Debbie and Glen Wilson, Steph and Jeff Heitsch), telephone and cell phone calls, wonderful CHRISTmas hymn singing videos (one from our daughter, Susie, of their daughter, Laura, and a member named Jon, singing, "O, Holy Night"),  (another video from Karen Weiland of the Weiland family singing  "Still, Still, Still").  Both videos were sung so sweetly and brought tears to my eyes.  Sue and Tim provided out-of-town transportation to some of our great grandchildren’s CHRISTmas services which I really appreciated; not to forget Joanne and Jerry Brandt who also took me home one evening.  There were also delicious dinners provided by Sue and Tim, and Jenny and Kevin.  Thank you all for everything!  (If I have forgotten anyone, please forgive me.  Can I blame it on my age?)


Sadly, I was not able to attend some of our great grandchildren’s Children’s CHRISTmas services because they were all on CHRISTmas Eve Day.  Sue and Tim took me with them to the Children’s Service at St. Matthew’s in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, where we heard Addie Pasch take part in "The Story of the Christmas Wreath".  From there we went to the Children’s Service at St. John’s in Lannon, Wisconsin, where we heard and saw Jenny’s (Mueller) husband, Kevin Poston, direct the children (including three of their children, Joshua, Jonah, and Conner) singing "We Sing of His Glory" so beautifully.  There was pre-service piano playing (Joshua was one of the children who played).  It was heart-warming to hear so many children of grade school age play the piano.


On CHRISTmas morning we went to the service at St. Mark’s Church where I was baptized, confirmed, and married.  It seems a lifetime ago, and it is.  Faces have changed, but the Word of God has not changed, thanks be to God!  The message of the birth of our Savior is the same! 


                                                           "Joy to the world, the Lord is come!

                                                                Let earth receive her King;

                                                           Let ev’ry heart prepare him room

                                                               And heav’n and nature sing,

                                                               And heav’n and nature sing,

                                                        And heav’n and heav’n and nature sing."


My prayer is that each one of you have A Very Blessed and Happy New Year! 


With love in CHRIST,


Irene,  Mom, Grandma, Great Grandma, Sister, Friend


P.S.  Also thank you to Julia and Tom Pasch who had me in their very nice home after the church service at St. Mark’s for a delicious brunch and gift-opening.  I still marvel at all of those little pieces of the Disney castle (for Addie) which our son, Tim, and Tom, Sue and Tim’s son-in-law, put together!  It was amazing! 




The Open House to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of our Watertown Recreation & Outreach Center (THE ROC) for Youth was much enjoyed by everyone who attended.  Even though the celebration ended up conflicting with the Packer game and the slippery streets due to the snowy weather, many came out to enjoy the event.  The highlight of the celebration was the video comments by teens expressing their feelings about THE ROC.  Check out THE ROC history highlights and all the teen interviews at: (or call to request link).  What a joy it is to hear from the teens how much they appreciate hearing God’s Word, along with the recreation and safety of THE ROC.  Another blessing from the celebration was the offering given which totaled approximately $1,100.  $1,358 was also received from a door offering held at one of our churches and $1,000 came from one of our church Ladies’ Aid.  The remaining debt on the building has therefore been reduced to approximately $8,500.  We thank our Lord for His grace in Christ and for all of you who have been so wonderfully supportive of THE ROC mission and ministry.





Dear loved ones,


Wow, it sure has been cold lately!  Last night it was -18 degrees here in Watertown, Wisconsin.  Announcers on TV told people to stay inside and not go out because skin that was exposed could be frost-bitten in a few minutes.  One lady had a gun with which she shot water into the air, and it changed immediately into snow!


Speaking of snow, it was snowing New Year’s Eve, but I made my way across from the south of town where I live to the north where our son, Tim, and his wife live.  It was CHRISTmas all over again!  Most of their families are teachers, so had commitments in their schools and churches over CHRISTmas, or had to come from a long distance.  It was a blessing to be with their whole family.  There was an exchange of very thoughtful gifts.  Tim had made a special  heart-warming card for me (like his Dad used to do) with CHRISTmas pictures.  It said:


"For Mom,

A Blessed and Merry CHRISTmas and a Happy New Year –

We love you.

Thanks for teaching us about Jesus, his birth, death, and resurrection from the day we were born.  Thanks for being a shining example of His love.

Time to give thanks with all our hearts that God so loved the world.

For we have seen His star in the East, and have come to worship Him.  Matthew 2:2."


Sue and Tim’s gift to me was a 2014 Watertown Aquatic Center Season Pass.  There was also a beautiful colored picture of the Aquatic Center on the card.  They know that last summer I went there (used to be the "swimming pool" in the old days), but it still is in the same place, is updated, and is a great place to get exercise. Thank you so much! 


Jenny, their oldest daughter, husband, Kevin, and Joshua, Jonah, Conner, Tyler, and Elliana  with beaming faces presented me with a very unique glass bird feeder.  They know that their Grandpa loved to feed the birds (which I am continuing to do).  I had never seen a bird feeder like it.  Every CHRISTmas Jenny makes a "picture of their children" ornament, so I was thrilled to have one for 2013 from "the Poston kids".  She also made an ornament in the shape of a block.  It was in memory of her dear Grandpa Mueller, and when I saw his picture on one side, I could not hold back the tears.  On the other three sides it said:  Rev, Richard W. Mueller, September 7, 1929 – December 1, 2012,  Beloved Husband, Father, Grandpa, & Great Grandpa Forever in Our Hearts, and "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."   -John 3:16-.  Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the very creative and thoughtful gifts!


It was so nice to see Megan, Tim, Tim, Jr., and William too.  They gave me a card  with two WONDERful pictures of all of them outside in the snow, and also a separate card of the two boys to put on my fridge door.  Inside the card there was a Subway gift card.  I love Subway sandwiches, and when I am hungry while I am in Walmart will stop in at the Subway there and get a  delicious sandwich.  Also, thank you for the mouth-watering "sweets" which I am already enjoying!   Thank you for everything!

Bekah, Chris, Emma, and Baby (to be born in March), thank you too for your great gifts.  The beautiful decorative snowflake CHRISTmasy red and silver gift now adorns one of our shelves, and shines so brightly when the light hits it, as it is doing now.  I love the CHRISTmas tree pin – was going to wear it to Augie’s Elite Cuisine Cooking Show today , but it was canceled because of the very extreme cold weather.  I think Jesus should be in our hearts all year round.


Julie, Tom, Addie, Amelia, and Annabel, thank you again for having me in your lovely home CHRISTmas Day for the great visit, meal, and exciting gift opening in your lovely home.   God bless you for the gift of the box of chocolates which I love. 


Matt, Holly, Lilie, and Matt, Jr., we miss you, but know that you are diligently doing the work of serving our dear Lord  as vicar at Mount Zion in Missoula, Montana.  Thank you so much for remembering me with the luscious chocolate-covered pretzels.  They are really good!  I love all of the pictures and messages you put on Facebook.  Thank you!


Sue and Jim did not make it to Watertown New Year’s Day (as usual) because of the snowy roads, but they did come on January 3rd and 4th.  They brought a copy of the very interesting 2014 Forward In Christ in with the article mentioning my dear husband and his picture with the other missionary, Ray Cox, and the first Confirmation class of the Lutheran Church of Central Africa in Nyasaland (Malawi), Africa, in 1963.  They also brought some of Jim’s wonderful fish, which he caught, homemade apple butter, maple syrup, and canned apples.  While they were here we went to visit Tim (Pastor/Director of the Recreation & Outreach Center for Youth). the teens, and others there.  It is always a pleasure to be with them.  Tim had a very interesting interacting Bible Talk Time with the teens.  Thank you, too, for everything, Sue and Jim!  Oh, I also want to thank your son, Brian and Jessica, for the beautiful picture of them which I have in my living room for everyone to see. 


Again, I wish for all of you a very blessed, happy, and healthy New Year.  God be with you ’til we meet again.  With much love, Irene, Mom, Grandma, Great Grandma, Sister, Friend




Dick and I always tried to go to Augie’s Live Cooking Show on Tuesdays at 1:00 PM in the Watertown City Hall.  We enjoyed the show, and made many friends there.  I continue to go, although the show was cancelled during the holidays, or else because of very cold weather and a lot of snow.  On Tuesday, the 14th, I decided to go.  It was snowing, but I braved it and found that there were other regulars there who also wanted to be there.  At the door I put my name in the ice cream bucket for the drawing which is either for a Perkins pie, or a coupon which can be used at Perkins Restaurant which Augie owns.  Augie and his wife came in, pushing their cart (piled high with what they needed for the show).  We asked them what they did because the elevator to the basement was not working.  They said they pushed it down the steps, one step at a time.  They are very hard workers. The names were drawn, and my name was drawn!  I received a Caramel Apple Pie.  Four people are usually at the Chef’s Table.  There were three people who went up there, and I was told to go too.  Augie wondered if the one man’s wife should go with him, and I said, “She told me to go up there!”  He cooked three Chinese dishes, recipes of which were given to him by Lu Li, a Chinese woman who worked for him at Perkins.  He doled out the delicious food on four plates, and handed them to us so that we could eat it. His wife, Kim, was busy in the back doling out samples of all the kinds of food he cooked to the people in the audience.  Of course, to get out of the basement, they this time had to go up the steps with the cart! They are amazing people! 




Tim, our son, was the first KRAHN CITIZENSHIP AWARD recipient.  Alfred “Mickey” Krahn served as a member of the Watertown Police Department for 27 years.  One of his lasting legacies is the juvenile division he helped start to keep city youths out of trouble. Tim was called as the first Pastor/Director of the ROC – Recreation & Outreach Center for Youth – and has through God’s loving guidance helped many teens keep out of trouble.  The award was given to him at the Watertown City Hall for “making significant contributions to the safety and/or welfare of the citizens of Watertown”.  Last year the award was given to Marie Miller for her work as a volunteer coordinator for the Salvation Army’s Annual Red Kettle Campaign.  This year I (as Dick also would have wanted) nominated Mr. Augie Magestro, who also has “made significant contributions to the safety and/or welfare of the citizens of Watertown”.  The deadline for the nominations is March 31st.  Sadly, Augie and Kim are planning to move the end of March to a place they own near Wausaukee, Wisconsin.  It is near Crivitz, where Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church is located, the first congregation to which Dick was called when he graduated from the Lutheran Seminary.  We know that God is in control, and what He ordains is always good.




It was a blessing when Steve and Melody came to visit me, Steve driving his beautiful Twilight Blue 2013 Subaru Legacy 2.5i Limited.  I got to ride in it when they took me out for lunch to Highway Harry’s in Johnson’s Creek.  I felt like I was being treated like a queen; like when Steve’s Dad would order a Hot Fudge Sundae for me at Culver’s, and say, “Make it fit for MY queen!”  The lunch of sirloin steak, baked potato, and vegetables was mouth-wateringly delicious! 


When we got back to the condo, they brought out a fabulous gift for me.  It is a Keurig K-Cup Single Cup brewing system, four boxes of a variety of K-Cup Packs, and two bottles of creamer.  I had never seen anything like it, and so miraculous that it makes a cup of coffee in a few seconds!   After Steve set the brewing system up, he, Melody, and I enjoyed delicious cups of coffee together!   While doing that, Steve saw pictures of himself (and everyone else in our huge family) on the refrigerator, and took pictures of them with his phone – another miracle!  He and Melody wanted to see pictures from years ago when my dear husband was pastor of Lord And Savior in Crystal Lake, Illinois, so I got some of my albums from that time.  Our over 100 albums are on shelves from my husband’s and my births many years ago up to the present date. They are our legacy to our family, and can be found with much more information by googling:  THRIVENT RICHARD MEMOIRS.  Besides family pictures, they contain church bulletins, newspaper clippings, graduation, wedding, concert programs, etc.  Steve took pictures of some of those old pictures too.   


Steve already put one of the pictures on e-mail of the family (as big as it was then) at a picnic outside behind the parsonage in Crystal Lake, Illinois (when his Dad was pastor of Lord And Savior Evangelical Lutheran Church).  Steve had built a very long table for all of us to sit at.  All of us were so young!  It reminded me of a mud-block church which members of an African congregation were building in the bush.  They filled the church, and asked my husband what they should do.  He said, “You know what you should do!”  They built on to it – and were very proud of it – all to the glory of God!  My husband chuckled, and said that it would become the longest church in Africa if they kept adding on, which they did!  He has a picture of it on one of his lecture slides, and pointed out where it had been added on – so many blessed memories!




Sami Jo, our granddaughter (daughter of Stephanie and Pastor Jeffrey Heitsch) attends the University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming.  She is a Senior and will graduate on May 10th.  On her Facebook she posted the following:  “I love being a student of the College of Agricultural & Natural Resources.  Be a blessing!”  Ag communications student, Sami Jo Heitsch, spoke at the National Western Stock Show January 13th.  She was the 2013-14 NWSS Scholarship recipient.  “I was honored to speak on behalf of the NWSS scholarship recipient at the Citizen of the West dinner, and thank over 900 people for supporting this scholarship that helps students, like me, receive our education debt free!  I am blessed!”




The meeting of the OWLS was in the St, John’s Evangelical Lutheran School, Watertown, Wisconsin, cafeteria  There was a devotion, business meeting, and then a very interesting power point presentation by Vova Kustlyvy (a student at Luther Prep) from the Ukraine.  It is very sad what is happening there as far as the government is concerned.  There is a lot of violence, making it difficult for our WELS missionaries and congregations.  We know that God is everywhere, is in control of everything, and takes care of us.  He took care of my beloved husband, Missionary/Pastor Richard William Mueller, our six children (Deborah, Richard, Timothy, Susan, Stephanie, Steven) and me for fifteen years in Northern Rhodesia (Zambia since Independence in 1964) and Nyasaland (Malawi since Independence in 1964).   After the meeting many questions were asked, and answered by Vova.  Delicious refreshments were served by the ladies of St. John’s.  Thank you, Vova, and ladies!




The ROC teens, our son, Tim, and everyone was invited on Facebook to Curly’s (Richard Wentland) 60th birthday party at St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church’s Parish Hall.  The teens and our son walked in the bitter cold from the ROC building on North 3rd Street to St. Mark’s on North 6th Street.  Tim (PT) had a very moving devotion and prayer before we ate the different kinds of delicious pizzas brought in from Pizza Hut.  “Happy and blessed birthday” was sung to Curly by everyone.  Then two kind ladies, Mae Wilkes, and Beth Lundsten (their daughter, Jill, attended school together at Northwestern Prep), members of St. Mark’s, served the pizza..  Curly told everyone that because of the love our Savior had for all of us by dying on the cross for our sins, he and his wife, Kathryn, are thankful for that love, and want to show their love for Him by loving others.  The teens and Tim walked back to the ROC, and I decided that I would drop in at the ROC and be with them there too.  Kathryn, Curly’s wife, had made delicious bars for all to eat.  Have a very happy and blessed birthday, Curly, on your actual birthday, January 27th!  Thank you and your wife, Kathryn, for showing your love for others!




Our dear granddaughter, Jenny Poston, talked to a ladies group at St. John’s in Lannon, Wisconsin, today.  She spoke about her Grandpa and Grandma Mueller’s mission work in Northern Rhodesia (Zambia after Independence) and Nyasaland (Malawi after Independence).  She asked for information about our work, and I referred her to our Memoirs which can be found by Googling:  THRIVENT RICHARD MEMOIRS.  She quoted from our Memoirs, and said that the ladies were very interested, laughed at some of the stories, and asked many questions.  My dear husband asked that it only be said of him:  ‘HE SERVED HIS LORD”.  Thank you so very much, Jenny, and God bless you for your loving heart and love for God and your grandparents!




Sue, Tim, and I attended the St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 9:00 am church service.  It wasn’t too well attended because of the extreme cold and snowy weather.  They came and picked me up because I do not have a 4 wheel drive vehicle like they have.  The Gospel and Sermon Text were based on John 2:12-22.  The sermon theme was:  Lord, Zeal For Your House Consumes Me  The parts were:  1.   Zeal unlike that of the Jewish leaders  2.  Zeal inspired by that of Jesus   3.  Zeal like that of Jesus’ disciples  We also took communion.  After the service we talked to Kay Uhlhorn (husband  went to heaven to live with Jesus), and their daughters, Debbie (went to Northwestern Prep with our daughter, Stephanie), and Kathryn, who lives and works in Malawi, Africa, serving God with her husband and children.  Sue and Tim took me home, and again picked me up to go to St. Johns, Lannon, Wisconsin, to celebrate three of their grandchildren’s (our great grandchildren) birthdays – Josh Poston – 11 years old – Elliana Poston – 2 years old  3.  William Mueller – 1 year old.  I was so happy to be there, and be a part of it.  We had lots of fun, and ate delicious food, including three beautifully decorated cakes baked by the mothers – Jenny and Meagan.  Of course I had my camera along and took a lot of pictures.  “Happy and blessed birthdays” were sung to the birthday children, and gifs were opened.  It was great to be with everyone again. Thank you, Poston and Mueller families, for the splendid time I had!  The only thing that happened to mar the occasion was that Julie’s husband, Tom, was playing basketball in the gym, and his back went out.  He had a lot of pain, and sat in a chair on wheels all evening.  His wife, Julie, had to drive back to Watertown; following the car driven by her Dad, Tim – passengers, Sue and me.  The weather was so bad around Oconomowoc!  It was snowing, and the wind was whipping it around.  It was an old fashioned blizzard.  As we got closer to Watertown, the snow wasn’t falling as thickly.  Thank God that He brought us all safely home. 




Today when I listened to the radio (which I turn on early every morning), there were many announcements of school closings and other events canceled because of the extreme cold temperature and wind chill.  They advised people to stay indoors, if possible.  Tomorrow they said it will be the same.  But there was our faithful son, Tim, shoveling out our driveway in the cold.  He had shoveled out their driveway, and also the ROC’s sidewalk.  He is like the “fast tomato” which we used to see in a commercial in the cinema in Lusaka, Zambia, Africa.  Tim is not a tomato, but he is fast!  It’s amazing how fast he got that driveway done!  Thank you so much, Tim!


JANUARY 31, 2014 – WOW!  A NEW TV!


Dick, my sweet husband, and I exercised by walking around the whole of Walmart once or twice, passing by the flat screen TVs.  Our TV is a very old model; the screen quite small.  I still exercise by walking around Walmart, using the same route we always did.  About a year ago, our son, Tim, said to me, “Mom, you need a new TV”.  Well, finally I thought the same thing, and we went shopping.  Now I have a new larger-screen flat screen Emerson TV, with more channels to watch.  It sure is a lot different from the first black and white TV my parents had in the 1950s when TV was first invented!    As my Dick always said, “THE LORD WILL PROVIDE!”  Thank you, Tim, for helping me so much – for enduring the disappointment of unpacking two shipped, and cracked TVs, and exchanging a small TV for a bigger one!  God bless you!


(FEBRUARY-2014) PEBBLES FROM THE ROC          “I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now” (Philippians 1:3-5)  It is a wonderful blessing how our WELS churches and the members of them have been working together so well in regard to our Watertown Recreation & Outreach Center (THE ROC)  for Youth.  The passage above fits so well the partnership and fellowship we enjoy in Christ our Savior.  We see that unity at our monthly board meetings as we work together.  Our board is made up of Don Bartz and Arlyn Boll from St. John’s, Rick Dunham and Pete Westermeyer from St. Luke’s,  Todd Morris and Brad Steffen from St. Mark’s and Don Frank and  Bruce Marley from Trinity Lutheran Church.  The pastor advisors are Pastor Mark Gartner, Pastor Mike Jensen, Pastor Paul Kuckhan, and Pastor Rodney Warnecke with Pastor Mueller as the ROC pastor/director.  Our thanks goes to Harold Peckham (St. Mark’s) who finished two terms on the ROC Board and to Don Bartz (St. John’s) and Don Frank (Trinity) for accepting a second term.  We welcome Todd Morris (St. Mark’s) back to the board and a new member, Bruce Marley (Trinity).

The unity we have is also seen in the continued financial support of the ROC.  Many of you give gifts to THE ROC through your congregation, and the gifts are then periodically sent on to THE ROC as a lump sum.  For this reason, it is impossible for us to thank you personally, but we want to sincerely thank you for your partnership and cheerful giving and generosity.  At THE ROC, during Bible/Talk Time, we regularly include thanks to God for you in our worship prayers.  We have been greatly blessed by you and through you.  Thanks from all of us at THE ROC.




It had been awhile since I was inside Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church on South 4th Street..  It is another beautiful WELS church in Watertown.  On a sheet inside of the February 2nd bulletin, it says:  “Guest Preacher – Pastor Tim Mueller from the Watertown Recreation and Outreach Center (THE ROC) will serve as guest preacher today.  The ROC is marking the tenth anniversary of outreach to youth in Watertown.  Many have heard and believed the Good News about Jesus through the ROC’s ministry.  Trinity members Don Frank and Bruce Marley serve as congregational representatives on the ROC board”.  It brought tears to my eyes to be there listening to our son preaching his sermon based on John 14:1-6 with the theme, “Jesus Comforts Troubled Hearts”.  He reminded me so much of his father, preaching the true Word of God!  Many troubled hearts in the congregation were comforted by the words of Jesus in John 14:6 – “I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.”  It made me happy to be with one of my classmates at Northwestern Prep and roommate at Dr. Martin Luther College in New Ulm, Minnesota.  She is Betty (Kielgas) Welke, a member at Trinity.  I hadn’t seen her for quite awhile, so it was a thrill for both of us.  Also, I was thrilled to see another member, Gary Muir (grown up), after seeing and talking to him last during a cataract operation I had at the Watertown Regional Medical Center.  He was part of the team in the operating room, and introduced himself as the neighbor boy who used to play with our sons when we were neighbors on North 2nd Street.  It was the first home we had when God decided it was time for us to stay in the States after being in Africa as missionaries for 15 years.  What a blessing and joy it was to talk to him again, and meet his wife, Carole!  In the afternoon I was invited to Sue and Tim’s home to watch the Super Bowl.  The Seahawks from Washington and the Broncos from Colorado were playing. It was great to be with their daughter, Julie, husband, Tom, and three sweet little girls, Addie, Amelia, and Annabelle.   Joanne and Jerry Brandt were also there.  The Seahawks beat the Broncos 43-8.  I didn’t take sides because we have relatives in Colorado and also in Washington.




Dear loved ones,


Where does the time go!  The days, months, and years seem to fly by!  Yesterday, our son, Tim preached a very inspiring sermon at St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Watertown.  The sermon text was based on Matthew 5:13-16 – "You are the salt of the earth.  But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again?  It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.  You are the light of the world.  A city on a hill cannot be hidden.  Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl.  Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.  In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." 


The Sermon Theme was:  "Christians, God Made You Salt and Light!"  Tim remembered learning as a child, "Hide it under a bushel, no!  I’m going to let it shine.  Hide it under a bushel, no!  I’m going to let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!"  Many of you probably remember it too.  The first verse is:  "This Little Light of Mine, I’m Going To Let It Shine."  I remember my dear Dick teaching it (with all of the actions), to the Vacation Bible School children, and loving doing it.   Tim is so much like his father – a very sincere and dedicated pastor and teacher!   Let us all let our lights shine brightly and joyfully share the precious Word of God with everyone, as the shepherds and wise men did when they saw Jesus, the promised Savior of the world!  Cassie Chmielewski (Debbie and Glen’s granddaughter), our great granddaughter, who is a sophomore at  Luther Prep here in Watertown, also came to hear Tim preach.  It was a joy to have her standing next to me.  She is growing up so fast, and I do mean "up"!  Thank you, Cassie, for coming to the service, and visiting with all of us attending later.


During the evening I received a telephone call from Stephanie, our daughter, and her husband, Jeff.  They live in Cheyenne, Wyoming, where Jeff is the pastor of Good Shepherd Evangelical Lutheran Church.  Jeff has received a Call to Minot, North Dakota.  It is a mission call, and there are about 10 people, hoping and praying for a pastor to come (there were 15 people worshiping in a motel meeting room in Crystal Lake, Illinois, when Dick accepted the Call to serve them).  It is a joy and blessing to be called as home and foreign missionaries.  Jeff, Steph, and family have been in Cheyenne for 16 years.  Please keep Jeff in your prayers.  God will lead him to make the right decision.


Christopher, son of Sue and Tim, has received and accepted a divine Call to St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Watertown as Principal/Teacher.  He is now Principal/Teacher at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in Eagle River, Wisconsin. He and Bekah have one sweet little girl, Emmaline, and are expecting a baby girl in March.  They will be missed by Christ congregation.  Chris, Bekah, and their family will be a blessing to St. John’s as he has been (and is) to Christ in Eagle River.


Steve, our youngest son, worked at Oshkosh Corporations, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, but now has found work at Manpower Group, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, as the new "Sr. SCCM Administrator for all of North America".  It is closer, and easier traveling than on icy, snowy, country roads!  Also Steph and Jeff told me on the phone that their son, Mitch (who lives in Orlando, Florida), is now "Head Pro of Heathrow Country Club.  His main job is teaching golf, runs the pro shop, and makes sure the members are taken care of.  Oh, he also golfs!  His uncle, Steve, is also an avid golfer!


"That’s all folks", as Porky Pig used to say at the end of cartoons when I was a kid going to the Classic (now Towne) Theater with my sisters here in Watertown.  God’s richest blessings and much love, Irene Mom Grandma Great Grandma Sister Friend




The meeting was held at St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin.  Those who wanted a ride from Watertown to Fort Atkinson were asked to meet at the Farm & Fleet parking lot at 12:30 p.m.  I was there early because I hit all the “Go” lights on the way.  A car came slowly into the parking lot, and it turned out to be the Hohensteins.  Two other cars came.  Kay Uhlhorn, whose husband went to heaven not too long ago, rode with us to St. Paul’s.  The guest speaker was Pastor Michael Duncan, who spoke about our mission work in Pakistan.  He oversees this work on behalf of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS).  His presentation was so enthusiastic and sincere about spreading the Word of God.  There were many questions from the people attending.  Delicious refreshments were served, and all of us enjoyed visiting with one another.  Thank you, Lord, for a very blessed day!




Long ago, when I was about five years old, my parents, sisters, brother, and I would go to visit my Kuckkan grandparents, who lived on a farm east of Watertown at N9556 Oak Hill Road.  Across the road a family by the name of “Neuman” lived.  My sisters and I played with the girls, Ellen, and Mary.  Mary and I saw each other after many years when we moved back to Watertown in 2003.  My sweet husband preached at the church, St. John’s in Ixonia, where Mary Bankert and her husband are members.  Our son, Tim, preached at St. John’s and also St. Mark’s in Ixonia, and I was privileged to hear him preach inspiring and moving sermons, like his father did.  He mentioned his dear father, saying to our six children before he went to heaven, “It’s okay.  I’m going to be with Jesus.”  Tim also conducted Bible Class, letting people know about the ROC.  Many interested people asked questions. There was a delicious potluck, giving us more of a chance to visit with Mary and her husband.  It was another blessed day!


FEBRUARY 28, 2014


Dear loved ones,


Where do I begin?  It seems that I am always "on the go", as my dear sweet husband, Dick, and I were!  First of all, you are in my thoughts and prayers, and I wish all of you well.  Right now my sister, Jannie, and her husband, David DeVries, are especially on my mind.  They live in Riverside, California.  After the drought they are having a lot of rain, causing a lot of landslides and flooding.  They once told me that people build their homes in the hills where those kind of things happen.  I am waiting for word from them.


Today Sue, Tim, their daughter, Julie, husband, Tom, and three little girls, Addie, Amelia, and Annabelle went to the Mineshaft restaurant in Hartland, WI. for the fish/shrimp fry.  It was delicious!   It had been planned to take the girls to the game room for fun, but when we got off the elevator, it was totally dark – not open until 3:00 pm.  Where to go for playtime – to Walmart – where there is a horse and gravel truck which the older girls rode on!  They loved it, and pictures were taken.  All of us had fun!  And what a surprise we had when Debbie and Glen’s son, Mark, came over and said, "hi"!  He was with others, so had to go, but it was great to see him!


Last night I went to the ROC to visit with the teens, volunteers, and Tim ( the teens).   Dick and I loved to go there together, and I still do.  There is a new group of teens now because many of the older ones reached 18 years of age, which is the cut-off age.  I miss them, but some are Junior Volunteers, and help Tim at the ROC.  Pastor James Lillo conducted the Bible Talk Time (which Tim usually does), and talked about God’s angels guarding and protecting us from dangers during our lives.


Yesterday morning I went to St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church to the funeral of a lady named "Betty Zastrow".  She and her husband were Builders For Christ which helps WELS (Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod) congregations renovate and build churches.  They helped us renovate Abiding Savior Evangelical Lutheran Church in Weslaco, Texas.  When we arrived in Weslaco in 1993, the members of the church, besides worshiping in the building, held all of the meetings inside the church.  There was no parish hall; in fact, the president of the congregation, when he called Dick on the phone, said, "We want you to come and build a parish hall".  Dick said, "Do you know how old I am?" – (retirement age).  He said, "Yes, that’s fine with us!"  My dear husband accepted God’s Call to serve Him, so we heeded His Call, and went to Weslaco, Texas, in the Rio Grande Valley.  The members and Builders For Christ folded up the chairs they were using for church services, laid carpeting, put in pews, a communion rail, built a balcony (which had been a storage area), hoisted the organ up to the balcony, beautiful lights made by Pastor Behrens of Hartland, Wisconsin, were brought to Abiding Savior by members (Mr. Jerry and Mrs. Edna Woodard), etc.  A parish hall was built!   Dick discovered an architect, Mr. Dale Frosch (a member) who willingly volunteered to oversee the whole project because of his deep love for God.   We thank God for all of his great blessings!   We left the Rio Grande Valley in Texas in 1996.


God has blessed me also in hearing our son, Tim, preach wonderful inspiring sermons.  He is so much like his Dad, keeping the attention of all the people, and preaching God’s Word straight from the Bible, and his heart!  He has preached in all of the WELS churches in Watertown, and also two WELS churches (St. Mark’s and St. John’s) in Ixonia.  One of my childhood friends, Mary Newman Bankert, and her husband are members of St. John’s.   Dick and I had visited with her and her husband when he preached there, so it was great to see both of them again.  Tim also conducted the Bible classes at both churches, and there was a delicious potluck after the service, again giving me the blessing of visiting with Mary. 


Some of you have told me they miss Dick’s voice with his message on the phone, so here are the words of his message: 

"Hello!  You have reached the earthly home of Retired Pastor and Mrs. Irene Mueller.  We are sorry that we are unable to come to the phone right now – but if you would please leave your name and phone number at the sound of the tone, we will return your call as soon as we possibly can.  Thank you – and have a blessed day in Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior who is preparing a home for us in heaven". 


With God’s richest blessings to all of you and with lots of love, Irene Mom Grandma Great Grandma Sister Friend


(MARCH)  PEBBLES FROM THE ROC      As we watched the winter Olympics recently, we might have thought about such a Bible passage as, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7)  Our Lord, through the apostle Paul, reminds us that the greatest race of all is the life we have in Christ.  To finish the race, an Olympian needs to keep focused on the finish line.  As God’s people we also need to stay focused on the finish line – being with Christ, our Savior, in heaven.  Oh, how we want someday to receive that gift of grace, the “Crown of Righteousness”.  Such a lesson is shared with the ROC teens when, for example, we play a game a pool with them or play a game of ping pong.  Stay focused and finish!

            We need some help.  If there is anyone who is able to volunteer to do just the employee tax withholding and reporting for THE ROC, it would be greatly appreciated.  Since our treasurer is also a volunteer, we are hoping to divide some of the responsibilities.  If you are able to help, please contact Don Bartz (920-261-1319 or or Pastor Mueller (920-206-9581 or  Thank you so much.


FUTURE ROC EVENTS:  Please volunteer to help.  Thanks!

Date to be determined – Brat Fry at Pick ‘N Save

Sunday, June 22, 2014 at 3 pm – ROC Golf Outing

Thurs.-Sat., July 17, 18, 19, 2014 – ROC Rummage Sale

Date to be determined – Glenn’s Brat Stand


(APRIL-2014) PEBBLES FROM THE ROC      A lesson about living the love of Christ:  Recently, Todd Morris, an adult volunteer at THE ROC Youth Center, dressed up as a “homeless man” and hung around outside the youth center.  The “homeless man” carried a milk crate which contained “all he owned” and was also used as his seat.  None of the teens recognized Todd but instead thought he was a real homeless man living on the street.  The “homeless man” also carried a sign, “Will work for food”.  The hope was to get the teens in THE ROC talking about what to do about the man outside.  We were happy to see how the hearts of the teens felt for the man and were trying to figure out how to help him and remain safe at the same time.  A kind Watertown police officer also showed up which added to the drama.  When Todd finally revealed himself during our Bible/Talk Time, you could see every teen reviewing all the feelings they had when they thought he was really a homeless man.  The teens learned to avoid a cold heart but also learned how to reach out and show love to people, remaining safe at the same time.  We are sure many of the teens were responding to God’s love in Christ, which they have heard constantly at THE ROC. 

            Thanks be to God!!!  The building/remodeling debt has been completely paid off!!!  On Thursday, April 10th from 5:30-6:30 p.m., we will enjoy a celebration lunch along with giving thanks to God with a brief “mortgage burning” celebration.  EVERYONE is welcome to attend.

FUTURE ROC EVENTS:  Please volunteer to help.  Thanks!

Thursday, April 10, 2014 – “Mortgage Burning” Lunch & Celebration

Date to be determined – Brat Fry at Pick ‘N Save

Sunday, June 22, 2014 at 3 pm – ROC Golf Outing

Thurs.-Sat., July 17, 18, 19, 2014 – ROC Rummage Sale

Friday, August 1st – Glenn’s Brat Stand


MARCH 13th, 2014 – UPDATE


Dear loved ones,


Just to let you know that I am still alive and well, and hope and pray that all of you are too.  I have been told that many people, besides me, have had bad colds.  I escaped all winter without any colds or flu; yes, even during the severe cold, snowy, and icy weather, but it finally caught up to me. 


It started a week ago, and hung on.  I missed quite a few family events over last weekend – pine car racing at St. John’s Lutheran School here in Watertown where the Poston boys raced pine cars which they had made themselves.  Joshua and Jonah ended up in a dead tie for1st place in class B for speed for their cars.  They shared the trophy.  I wish I could have been there to join in the fun!


I also missed the basketball tournament at Luther Prep in which our great grandson, Caleb Chmielewksi, played, then lunch at the cafeteria with his parents, Nicki and Dave Chmielewski, his sister Cassie, and also our daughter, Debbie, and her husband, Glen.  There were friends, some from Lord And Savior, Crystal Lake, Illinois, where my dear husband was pastor of the congregation, who asked where I was. 


There also was a family birthday party to which I was invited at Sue and Tim’s for daughter, Jenny, whose birthday is March 21st, and her husband, Kevin, whose birthday is March 24th.  It was early because Bekah and Chris’s baby girl will enter the world on March 21st, so Sue and Tim will be going up to Eagle River for the blessed event.  They will be dropping me off at Merrill, Wisconsin, because that weekend Laura (Sue and Jim’s daughter), and her Dad will be performing in the musical "Tom Sawyer".  I am anxiously looking forward to being there.  God is also giving me the opportunity to see our great granddaughter on the 25th before we head back to Watertown.  The baby will become a child of God on April 6th through holy Baptism.


Pastor Jeffrey Heitsch, our son-in-law, pastor of Good Shepherd Evangelical Lutheran Church in Cheyenne, Wyoming,  after much deliberation, has returned the Call to Minot, North Dakota.  God bless you, Jeff, your congregation, Steph, and all in your family.


Just a footnote – Augie had his last cooking show.  He and his wife, Kim, are moving to a home they have near Wausaukee, Wisconsin.  It is near Crivitz, where my beloved husband had his very first congregation; in fact, we had members who lived in Wausaukee.   He is studying to be a pastor, spreading the Word of God.  He said that Dick "had a big influence on his life".  That made me very happy to hear that.


Now I am off to see the ROC teens, volunteers, friends, and our very dedicated son, Tim.   I would like to be there for Bible Talk Time.  Dick and I always loved to go there, and I still do.  God’s richest blessings to all and love, Irene Mom Grandma Great Grandma Sister Friend



Exciting Weekend – Thursday, March 27, 2014


Dear loved ones,


First of all, God’s richest blessings to all of you!  You are all in my prayers, even as you were when my dear Hon and I would say our prayers together before we went to sleep every night.


I had a very exciting weekend!  Sue and Tim’s 14th grandchild (our 35 great grandchild) was born in Rhinelander, Wisconsin.  Our dear Lord so worked it out so that I was able to be with them in Eagle River, Wisconsin (where our grandson, Chris, is Principal/Teacher of the WELS Lutheran School), at his and Bekah’s home, and see and hold the beautiful blue-eyed and blond baby girl, "Lydia Elisabeth Mueller" on the 25th.  She was born on March 21st at 1:02 p.m., weighed 7 lbs. 8 oz., and was 18 inches long.  Lydia has a sister by the name of Emmaline, who will be two years old September 13th.  It was great to be with her, the baby, Bekah, her Mom (Marlene), and Chris. 


Thanks to Sue and Tim, they gave me the transportation to go to Eagle River  (Tim drove there to take Sue to help take care of Bekah and the baby, but went back to Watertown for the ROC on Friday and Saturday).  On the way there on Thursday, March 20th, they dropped me off in Merrill, Wisconsin, where Susie and Jim live.  It was around midnight because Tim had the ROC teens that evening.  On Friday and Saturday nights I was privileged to be at the musical production of "Tom Sawyer" in which their daughter, Laura, was the very pretty Becky Thatcher, and Jim, her Dad, was the sinister Injun Joe.  Both of them were fantastic, and I enjoyed the shows from a front seat for which Susie had gotten tickets for her family and me.  It was great to be with all of them again!  On Sunday morning I was also privileged to hear Jim preach a very meaningful sermon and conduct an informational Bible class.  Susie and I were together Monday.  She ordered a new screen/storm door, took me to a beautiful store in Merrill to meet a couple of her horse riding buddies, and also took me to a thrift store.  It was a lot of fun!


What joys and blessings the good Lord bestows on us, and how thankful we are!  On Tuesday, the 25th, Tim was on his way back to Eagle River to collect Sue in Eagle River, but first collected me in Merrill and took me there to see the baby for the first time!  So yesterday (Wednesday) I was running around Watertown doing errands.  The weather is quite good, even though it is still cold in Wisconsin.  I heard on the radio this morning that it will be 60 degrees on Sunday!  Everyone will be jumping for joy after that winter!  Welcome Spring!!!!


Bye for now.  Love you all!  When you have a little time, I would love to hear from you!  Irene Mom Grandma Great Grandma Sister Friend


APRIL 8th, 2014 – A Blessed Easter


Dear loved ones,


A very blessed and joyous Easter to all of you!  Hymn 152 says:  "I know that my Redeemer lives;

                                                                                                                What comfort this sweet sentence gives!               

                                                                                                                 He lives, He lives, who once was dead;

                                                                                                                 He lives, my ever living Head!"


What comfort it is for all of us to know that Jesus lives!  My loving husband, Dick, said when he was suffering from his illness, "What is our suffering on this earth compared to what Jesus did for us?"  That is so true!  How thankful we are for what Jesus did for US so that we can live forever in heaven with Him and our loved ones who have gone before us.


Today the temperature is 57 degrees.  Our daffodils look as though they are getting ready to bloom, the grass is getting green, and the birds are coming back!  How thankful we are for all of His blessings!  There still is quite a lot of snow in Merrill and Eagle River, Wisconsin, where I was blessed and privileged to be last weekend.  Our 35th great grandchild, "Lydia Elisabeth Mueller", daughter of Bekah and Christopher, became a child of God when she was baptized on April 6th by her grandfather, Pastor Timothy Mueller, in St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Eagle River.  After the Baptism there was a lunch in the school, visiting with both the Faugstad and Mueller families in the beautiful home of Bekah and Chris, from where we watched the deer in their backyard eating the food which they put out for them.  It was time then to head back to Watertown with Sue and Tim because CC (Christ Connection) was the following morning when Tim conducts a Bible Talk Time with teens who come by bus to the ROC from the local High School.   We got back to Watertown around 9:00 p.m.  As it is said, "There’s no place like home!"


The very full weekend started already on Friday, April 4th, when Sue, Tim, and I went to St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran School in Lannon, Wisconsin, to see and hear Jenny (their daughter) and her husband’s two older sons, Joshua and Jonah, perform as two of the Hooligans in the musical, "Pinocchio".  Jonah’s part as Spaz called for him to snort (yes, I said snort) quite a few times.  He did a great job of it.   We had a mouth-watering lunch at Jenny, Kevin, and family’s lovely home after the fun musical.  On Saturday morning, the 5th, Sue, Tim (driving), Joanne and Jerry Brandt, and I headed north.  The ladies were invited to a bridal shower at a very old but nice church in the country near Marshfield.  The shower was for Angela Seelow, Sue’s sister, Sandy’s, daughter, who will be married to Mike Loveland on June 27, 2014.  We had a fun time there, visiting, playing games, and eating (for which the men came).  After the shower we got "on the road again" headed for Merrill where they dropped me off at Sue and Jim’s  very welcome home, and went on to Eagle River.  Soon after I got there Sue, Laura, and I went to the local High School to watch the musical, "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat".  The singing was fantastic!  I was amazed at the talents the High School teens have.  It was a lot of fun.  On Sunday morning Sue drove Laura and me up to Eagle River to St. John’s for the Baptism, which I have already written about.  Wow, what a blessed and full weekend it was!  I thank God for keeping all of those safe driving on the very busy roads, and I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for making it possible for me to attend everything with you.


On Monday, April 7th, Sami Jo Heitsch called me and said that she has been asked to be one of the speakers at her graduation at the University of Wyoming in Laramie on May 10th!   She is also negotiating her internship with RFD TV, an agriculture farming station in Omaha, Nebraska, which she was offered when she applied for it (hope I got this all right, Sami). 


Please pray for Julia (Sue and Tim’s daughter) Pasch, who is having a hernia operation for the third time in the same place this Watertown Regional Medical Center.  As you know, she and Tom have three cute little girls – Addie, Amelia, and Annabelle. God be with Julia, Tom, the girls, Sue, Tim, and all in the family!  We are all in His hands.


That’s it for this time.  Again, you are all in my thoughts and prayers.  Have a very blessed Easter!  Irene Mom Grandma Great Grandma Sister Friend


APRIL 13th, 2014 – UPDATE


Dear loved ones,


God answered our prayers, and Julie Pasch (Sue and Tim’s daughter) is doing well.  I couldn’t believe it when the Pro-Health Moreland Surgical Center in Waukesha sent her home the same day, Wednesday, April 9th (the date was changed).   She not only had the hernia repaired, but her gall bladder was taken out.  Her loving parents have helped her, Tom (her husband), and their three little girls a lot.  Please keep all of them in your prayers.


Thanks be to God, the ROC building/remodeling debt has been completely paid off!  On Thursday, April 10th, there was a celebration which was reported on the12th in the Watertown Daily Times with a picture and an article: 


"ROC pays off mortgage – through many generous donations, the Watertown Recreation and Outreach Center (ROC) for Youth, 213 N. Third St., recently paid off its mortgage.  It only took four years to pay off the nearly $200,000. building renovation, which was designed for seventh-12th graders, and offers a wide variety of activities and events.  Approximately 50 people attended the ROC’s metaphorical "mortgage burning" Thursday evening, which began with a light meal and a slideshow of photos from the renovation project.  The Rev. Tim Mueller, who has been pastor and director of the ROC since its inception in 2003, led the group in prayer and song to celebrate and give thanks to God and all those who donated to the project."


It was a pleasure and privilege for me to be among those who attended the celebration.  What a joyful occasion it was!  We give all glory to our almighty God for this great blessing – Hymn 334 – "Praise God, from whom all blessings flow, Praise Him, all creatures here below, Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost."


Our youngest son, Steve, and his lovely wife, Melody, came to our home on Saturday, April 12th, to take me out to lunch in honor of my 84th (yikes!) birthday!  We went to a Mexican restaurant on Main Street in Watertown, which he had found online, but when we got there it was closed.  He found another one by the name of Maria’s, and we were served by a very nice waitress an authentic, delicious, mouth-watering, Mexican meal.  It reminded me of when Dick, my sweet husband, and I would eat meals like that when he was Pastor of Abiding Savior Evangelical Lutheran Church, Weslaco, Texas.  When we got back to our condo unit, they showered me with beautiful gifts and a very loving Mom birthday card, which brings tears to my eyes when I read it.  One of the gifts is a cross necklace which when you look into the special crystal, you can see a vision of the Lord’s Prayer in its entirety.  I wore it to church this morning.  Thank you, Melody and Steve, for everything – especially for coming to be with me.


Thank you, Sue and Tim, for inviting me to come after the Palm Sunday service at St. Mark’s this morning.  The spaghetti (one of our family favorites) lunch was delicious, and as usual, I enjoy being with you, Julie, Tom, Addie, Amelia, and Annabelle.


It was 57 years ago TODAY (April 13, 1957) when Dick, Debbie (2 years old), Dick(ie) (1 year old), and I arrived in Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia)!  I thought of that as I was writing this e-mail.  Our other four children, Tim, Sue, Steph, and Steve were born in Africa.  What a privilege to serve God there for fifteen years!


God bless all of you, and again, I wish for you a very blessed and happy Easter, the Resurrection of Jesus, who when He said, "It is finished" on the cross, meant that because of His great love for us, He fulfilled the Law and saved us from our sins because He is perfect!   We could not do it because none of us is perfect – (what I have just related was part of Tim’s presentation at the ROC celebration).  With love, Irene, Mom, Grandma, Great Grandma, Sister, Friend


APRIL 21ST, 2014 – Easter and Birthdays Blessings


Dear loved ones,


Easter Sunday! – the Resurrection of our dear Lord Jesus from the dead, overcoming the power of sin, death, and the devil – FOR US, so that we could live eternally in heaven with him and our dear loved ones!  How thankful we should be!   I hope and pray that all of you had as blessed and happy Easter as I did.  The service at St. Mark’s was heart-warming with Pastor Michael Jensen preaching a powerful sermon about our Risen Savior!  God blessed us with a beautiful day!


After the service I was invited to Sue and Tim’s home to have a delicious lunch (preceded with prayer by Tim) with them and their family.  All of them were able to come except Holly, Matt (who is vicaring in Missoula, Montana), and little Lilie and Matt, Jr.  Sue and Tim’s family is growing (they have 14 grandchildren now), just like Dick’s and mine.  After a delicious lunch the children looked for their Easter baskets, and went with their Grandpa outside to fly the kites which was were in the baskets.  It was a perfect day to fly kites!  All of us were invited to Joanne and Jerry Brandts for supper, and that was a scrumptious dinner too!  It was nice to be there since I hadn’t been in their home since Dick and I were there together.  Joanne kindly gave me three pictures (brought tears to my eyes) of Dick and me at that time. 


Before I go on to the Monday celebration, please permit me to go back to Thursday, April 17th, my 84th birthday!  Our daughter, Debbie, took a day off from work and came to spend the day with me.  She, her brother, Tim, and I went to Applebees for a wonderful lunch topped with a huge sundae (free), brought by the waiters and waitresses singing "Happy Birthday" to me.  Some pictures were taken, and then Tim went to the ROC, and Debbie took me to Kohl’s in Johnson’s Creek, where we did some shopping.  She is a cashier at Kohl’s in Menomonee Falls, so she gets a nice discount.  I also had a gift card.  She wanted to go to her Dad’s resting place at The Lutheran Cemetery, so we went there with our prayers, thoughts, and a rose which Debbie intertwined in a cross.  God blessed us with beautiful weather that day too.


On Good Friday Tim preached an inspiring sermon at the Tre Ore Service at St. John’s Church on Ephesians 1:7-10:  "We Believe That Jesus Christ, His Only Son, Is Our Lord".  He used an illustration, which his Dad had used in sermons), about a little boy who made a boat, but lost it when he sailed it.  He saw it in a shop window, and had to buy it.  He "redeemed it", just as Jesus redeemed us who are lost souls without Him.


Sue and Tim invited me on Saturday for a delicious lunch of chop suey (which was Dick’s mother’s recipe), and be with the family.  It sure reminded me of the "old days" when Dick was Pastor in Crystal Lake, and Waunakee, Wisconsin – three babies (in one year), cribs, children running, crawling, crying – all blessings and gifts from our loving Lord!  As Dick always said, "Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them" – Psalm 127:5.


Today there was another fun family get-together!  This time Tim’s (birthday will beThursday, April 24) and my birthday (was last Thursday, April 17th), and my birthdays were celebrated.  It was great!  This time Sue served a wonderful traditional roast venison, potatoes, vegetables, etc. dinner with a luscious butterscotch torte with candles on it.  She is a great cook and baker. Pictures were taken, and more taken when all of the wonderful gifts from everyone were given to Tim and me.  I was enthralled by the gifts given to me, even from children with their smiling faces looking up at me!


God bless all of you for your thoughts, prayers, dinners, fun company, e-mail (Africa included) and Facebook messages, cards, phone calls, and gifts – most of all for your hugs and love.  I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart.  As my sweet husband said to everyone when he was very ill, "what can I do to repay you?"  What a happy and blessed weekend – thanks be to God, and all of you in our families, other relatives, and friends!  With much love in Christ, Irene, Mom, Grandma, Great Grandma, Sister, Friend