Irene’s Memoirs: Chapter 46


Mom’s Autobiography – Chapter 46 – In Book, Page 110

Centennial at Grace, Crivitz, Wisconsin, Christmas 2000, Matthew Mueller’s 12th Birthday, Stephanie, The Professional Hairdresser, Lydia Rose Chmielewski is Carried to Heaven by God’s Angels, 125th Anniversary of Immanuel, Medford, Wisconsin, Irene’s Right Kidney Removed


Dick was called to Crivitz, Wisconsin, after he graduated from the Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Thiensville, Wisconsin, in 1954. We were very excited! We had bought new furniture, appliances, car, etc. after we were married. When one of the members came to move us to Crivitz, he was driving an open cattle truck with which to move us! There was a gouge in the top of our new bedroom dresser, but when Dick later accepted the Call to Africa in 1957, a couple in the congregation bought the bedroom set, gouge and all, and were very happy with the set.

We were very happy in Crivitz. The people were wonderful to us, and two of our babies were born there, Deborah and Richard. So when we were invited to come to help the congregation celebrate Grace’s 100th Anniversary, we were thrilled! Pastor Mark Hannemann and his wife live in the parsonage in which we also had lived, and invited us to come the day before and stay overnight. Bonnie asked if we wanted to see the house, and of course, we said “yes”. It was strange going through the house in which we had lived when we were in our mid-20s. Many memories came back. And more memories came back when we went to the church service the next day and saw some of the people we knew then. We were sad that some of those dear faces we could not see because they had gone to live with Jesus in heaven.

The church had built an addition with a magnificent stained glass window behind the altar with a beautiful red cross in the middle and rays extending from it. We were pleased to see that the statue of Jesus, which had been part of the altar when we were at Grace, was displayed in the narthex.

We were thankful and privileged to be part of Grace’s history and celebration. The congregation presented us with a cookbook, “Cooking With Grace” which we treasure. Many of the recipes were contributed by dear friends of ours. We treasure it. And I must tell you this – the lady who bought our bedroom set said that she still has it and loves it!


Looking out the window of our home we now see snow on the ground. The trees and pond are awesome, all clothed in lovely white snow! And in our home we see Tim, Sue, and family, and Sue, Jim, and family all gathered around us in the living room The pictures we have in our album make those wonderful memories come back so vividly. How thankful I am to be with my wonderful families.

Before Christmas as reported in the December 21, 2000, Medford Star News – “the Youth Group of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Medford participated in a Christmas project of love as they spent an afternoon shopping for items for Christmas care packages they delivered to area individuals, and sang carols for them. The youth ended the afternoon by caroling at one of the nursing homes in Medford”.

We attended the Ladies Guild Christmas party. Tim sat in front of everyone and read a book about “Christ”-mas. They played a lot of games, and Dick won a gingerbread house decorated with all kinds of colored candies for decorating a gingerbread man. Pastor Jeffrey Mahnke, his wife, Stacy, and their two cute little children were also there.

The Christmas services celebrating the birth of Jesus were wonderful. Our son, Tim, preached inspiring not to be forgotten sermons. Sue, our daughter-in-law, and Julia, their daughter, skillfully played the handbells. We must mention very talented Timothy Jari, who for many years has dedicated himself to playing the organ and directing the choirs for Immanuel.


Wow! Matthew is 12 years old, and there is a fantastic-looking delicious birthday cake decorated with motorcycles, and there is the balloon tablecloth which is to this day still used for birthdays. Matthew’s cake is decorated with motorcycles!!!!! Who would have thought then that now in the year 2009 he would have his second motorcycle?


Every time the family has a get-together Steph cuts, perms, and styles hair. And what a great hairdresser she is. Nobody ever complains. There are pictures of Steve, Mark, and Matthew getting “something” done with their hair. Cute! And while this is all going on, Glen and Glen are doting over their grandchildren, Cassie and Emma.


On January 4, 2001, Nicki’s 28th birthday, a condition developed with Nicki and Dave’s baby which is called a “cystic hygroma”. A cystic hygroma in a developing baby can progress to hydrops (an excess amount of fluid in the body) and eventually fetal death. Nicki and David had a memorial service in the little chapel at Graceland Cemetery in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. They, Lydia’s sister, Cassie, many in our families, and we were there. How sad it was to see that little box in the center of the chapel containing Lydia, and then after a short time go to where her little body was laid to rest. We were appalled to see how many little graves there were at that time in “Baby Land”. There is a beautiful stone near the road engraved with an angel spreading its wings over two little children crossing a rickety bridge. Also there is an inscription over it which says, “Suffer little children to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of God”. Later on May 15th (Cassie’s 3rd birthday), we were saddened to hear that Nicki had a miscarriage. How can some of us who have not been through it understand what it is like? What a comfort it is for us to know that our little ones are in heaven living with Jesus. As Job says in Job 1:21 – “The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away, may the name of the Lord be praised”.

(God in His great goodness and mercy richly blessed Nicki, David,
Cassie, and our family on December 12, 2002, with a beautiful
bouncing baby boy. They named him “Caleb David Chmielewski”.

“Then sings my soul, my Savior-God to thee
How great Thou art! How great Thou art!
Then sings my soul, my Savior-God to thee
How great Thou art! How great Thou art!”)

JANUARY 18 AND 21, 2001

Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church, Medford, Wisconsin, the congregation of which our son, Timothy, was Pastor at that time, was blessed to celebrate its 125th Anniversary. Dick was invited to deliver the sermon and conduct the Bible study. How happy and proud his parents would have been to hear their son preach in Immanuel Lutheran! Dick’s father, Richard, Sr. was Pastor for the congregation from 1940-1948. And how happy and proud they would have been too to know that their grandson, Timothy, was serving the very same congregation which his grandfather had served! The Lord works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform.


What else is there to say? Again we went to St. Joseph’s Hospital in Marshfield, Wisconsin, and my right kidney was removed. Hey, isn’t it a blessing that God gave us two kidneys? God is good. The operation took place in 200l, and God in His great mercy has allowed me to live from then until this year, 2009, cancer-free. Thank you, God. How blessed I am to be with Dick, our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and all of our other relatives and friends. God willing, three more great grandchildren will be born this year. Jenny (Mueller) Poston is expecting Tyler Matthew in August, her sister, Julie (Mueller) Pasch is expecting Adalynn Susan in August, and Jamie (Vick) Wilson, Mark’s wife, is expecting a baby (don’t know the name yet) in November. We thank our loving God for all of His bountiful blessings.